
小站整理2015-02-25 17:14:44




☆1.Correct Answer: B


One way to deal with fractions is to convert them allto decimals. (Using your calculator, divide thenumerator by the denominator).

In this case all you would need to do is to see which is greater than 0.5.

Otherwise to see which is greater than ?, double the numerator and see if the result is greaterthan the denominator. In B, the correct answer, doubling the numerator gives us 8, which isbigger than 7.

☆2.Correct Answer: E


If an object travels at 5 feet per second it covers 5x60 feet in one minute, and 5x60x60 feet inone hour. Answer = 18000 (E)

☆3.Correct Answer: C


You could add up all the multiples of 10 (10 + 20 + 30 ....+190), and divide by the number ofterms (19). Or you could realize that the average of an evenly spaced series of numbers isequal to the value of the middle term (or the average of the two middle terms if there are aneven number of terms). The middle term out of 19 is the tenth term in the series = 100.

☆4.Correct Answer: A


If you double the sides of a cube, the ratio of the surface areas of the old and new cubes will be1: 4. The ratio of the volumes of the old and new cubes will be 1: 8.

Weight is proportional to volume. So, If the first weighs 6 pounds, the second weighs 6x8pounds =48.

☆5.Correct Answer: C


You could solve this by drawing a Venn diagram. A simpler way is to realize that you cansubtract the number of students taking both languages from the numbers taking French tofind the number taking only French. Likewise find those taking only German. Then wehave:Total = only French + only German + both + neither

78 = (41-9) + (22-9) + 9 + neither.

Not enrolled students = 24

☆6.Correct Answer: B


If x = -5, then (x² – 50) = 25 – 50 = -25

But the sign │x│ means the absolute value of x (the distance between the number and zero onthe number line). Absolute values are always positive.

│-25 │ = 25

☆7.Correct Answer: A


Expand as for (a + b)2.

(√2 - √3)(√2 - √3) = 2 - 2(√2 + √3) + 3 = 5 - 2 √6

☆8.Correct Answer: C


All four terms are identical therefore we have 4 (230).

But 4 = 22, and so we can write 22. 230

Which is equivalent to 232

☆9.Correct Answer: B


Amy can travel clockwise or anticlockwise on the diagram.

Clockwise, she has no choice of route from A to B, a choice of one out of two routes from B toC, and a choice of one out of two routes from C back to A. This gives four possible routes.

Similarly, anticlockwise she has four different routes.

Total routes = 8

☆10.Correct Answer: D


If we take AE as the base of triangle AEC, then the height is CD.

The height of the triangle is therefore, 9 (given).

To find the base we need to see that triangles AEB and CDE are similar. The ratio AB: CD, istherefore equal to the ratio AE: ED. The given information shows that the ratio is 3:9, or 1:3.Now dividing AD (4) in this ratio gives us AE as 1.

The area of AEC = ½ base x height

=1/2 x 9 = 4.5



1. What is the sum of all the positive integer factors of 12 ?

2. The average IQ of 4 people is 110. If three people each have an IQ of 105, what is the IQ of the fourth person ?

3. Of 60 students in a class 2/3 are girls, and 2/5 of the class are taking music lessons. What is the maximum number of girls that are not taking music lessons?

4. If 2 n + 1 = 8, what is the value of n ?

5. In a certain game of 50 questions, the final score is calculated by subtracting twice the number of wrong answers from the total number of correct answers. If a player attempted all questions and received a final score of 35, how many wrong answers did he give?

6. Family 1 comprising mother, father and son are to be seated at a table with family 2 comprising mother, father and daughter. The layout of the table is shown in the diagram. F represents one of the fathers and M represents one of the mothers. X represents any family member but with the condition that a male family member must sit opposite a female of the other family. How many different seating plans are possible?




1. If f(x) = x2 – 3, where x is an integer, which of the following could be a value of f(x)?

I 6 II 0 III -6

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. II and III only

D. I and III only

E. I, II and III

Correct Answer: A


Choice I is correct because f(x) = 6 when x=3. Choice II is incorrect because to make f(x) = 0, x2 would have to be 3. But 3 is not the square of an integer. Choice III is incorrect because to make f(x) = 0, x2 would have to be –3 but squares cannot be negative. (The minimum value for x2 is zero; hence, the minimum value for f(x) = -3).

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