
小站整理2024-07-02 18:24:00

摘要:以下是一些在 SAT 写作中使结尾句子更有力的方法,并结合实例为您说明:

以下是一些在 SAT 写作中使结尾句子更有力的方法,并结合实例为您说明:


  1. 强调观点
    • 例如:“In conclusion, it is undeniable that the power of perseverance is the key to unlocking success in any endeavor.”(总之,不可否认,坚持不懈的力量是在任何努力中开启成功之门的关键。)
  2. 发出呼吁
    • 比如:“Let us all embrace the spirit of innovation and strive for a better future together.”(让我们都拥抱创新精神,共同为更美好的未来而努力。)
  3. 展望未来
    • 像:“With these efforts, a brighter and more prosperous world awaits us in the years to come.”(通过这些努力,在未来的岁月里,一个更加光明和繁荣的世界正等待着我们。)
  4. 引用名言
    • 例如:“As Emerson once said, 'To be great is to be misunderstood,' and indeed, those who dare to be different will shape a remarkable future.”(正如爱默生曾经说过:“伟大即被误解。”确实,那些敢于与众不同的人将塑造一个非凡的未来。)
  5. 总结升华
    • 比如:“Ultimately, the choices we make today will not only define our present but also mold the course of our destiny.”(最终,我们今天所做的选择不仅将定义我们的现在,还将塑造我们命运的进程。)
  6. 提出警示
    • 像:“Failure to act now will lead us down a path of irreversible consequences.”(如果现在不采取行动,将把我们引向一条不可逆转的后果之路。)




“In conclusion, the fate of our planet lies in our hands. Let us not turn a blind eye to the damage we are causing but instead take immediate and decisive action. As Margaret Mead once said, 'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.' Only through our collective efforts can we ensure a sustainable and thriving Earth for future generations.”(总之,我们星球的命运掌握在我们手中。让我们不要对我们造成的破坏视而不见,而是立即采取果断行动。正如玛格丽特·米德曾经说过:“永远不要怀疑一小群有思想、有决心的公民能够改变世界;事实上,这是唯一曾经做到的事情。”只有通过我们的共同努力,我们才能为子孙后代确保一个可持续和繁荣的地球。)


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