
小站整理2024-06-26 11:31:40

摘要:以下是一些 SAT 阅读理解的解题技巧:

以下是一些结合解题技巧的 SAT 阅读理解例题及分析:


The development of new technologies often brings about both benefits and challenges. While these advancements can enhance our lives in various ways, they also pose potential risks. For example, the widespread use of smartphones has made communication easier but has also led to concerns about privacy and addiction.


Question: What can be inferred from the passage?
A. New technologies are always beneficial.
B. Smartphones have only negative effects.
C. New technologies have both positive and negative aspects.
D. There are no risks associated with new technologies.


Analysis: Using the skill of understanding the overall tone and content of the passage, we can see that it clearly states that new technologies have both benefits and challenges. Option C is the correct answer as it aligns with the text. Options A and D are too extreme as the passage mentions risks. Option B is also incorrect as it ignores the mentioned benefits of smartphones.


Another passage:
Scientists have been studying the effects of climate change on polar bears. They have found that the sea ice is melting at an alarming rate, which is having a significant impact on the polar bears' habitat and food sources.


Question: What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Scientists are interested in polar bears.
B. Climate change is causing problems for polar bears.
C. Polar bears are in danger of extinction.
D. The sea ice is melting.


Analysis: By focusing on the key details and the overall message, we can see that the passage is mainly about how climate change is affecting polar bears. Option B captures this idea best. Option A is too general, Option C may be a consequence but not the main idea here, and Option D is only one aspect mentioned.






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