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小站整理2018-08-28 13:51:25





题目: Are Urban Trees Worth It?

作者: Scott Steen

来源: Guardian News,September 30,2014

这次选用的话题又是考生普遍熟悉的环保话题,从文章难度来说,文章简单易懂,几乎没有生词;从写作思路来说, 与2016年11月那篇同为环保话题的“Bad for birds, bad for all” 以及2018年3月北美考题 “Our Failing Weather Infrastructure”论述方式相似;从分析要素来说,数字、例子、对比以及emotive language很丰富,相信很多同学都能感到顺心应手。

1 Some people don’t love trees as much as they used to. After the severe storms we have had this year, including Hurricane Sandy, city trees can seem like a dangerous liability. Are urban trees worth the risk they pose to houses, cars and people when a violent storm comes through?

2 Urban environments are tough on trees. Street trees are often boxed in without enough room for healthy roots or they don’t have a sufficient water supply to sustain them. Branches on street trees can be broken by buses or trucks that travel or park too close, or they can be damaged by overly aggressive pruning. The damage often goes unreported, and the trees weaken. High winds can bring those branches — or the trunk itself — down on cars, houses or power lines.

文章用广大读者熟悉的Hurricane Sandy作为引子,用一个rhetorical question来引起读者思考;紧接着,作者引出了市政当局的错误做法。

3 But there is another side to it, too. Trees are green infrastructure. Unlike gray infrastructure — concrete and metal sewers, pipes, bridges, sidewalks — trees are an investment that increases in value throughout their lifetime, which can last a lot longer than concrete.


4In Baltimore, Md., it’s estimated that a single tree provides $57,000 in economic and environmental benefits over its lifetime. In a single year, Baltimore’s canopy provides

$3.3 million in energy savings.

5Portland, Ore., is planting 83,000 trees as part of its five-year, $55 million Grey to Green program, to help solve its sewage and stormwater run-off problems.

6In Austin, Texas, it’s estimated that the city’s trees have the potential to store up to 100,000 tons of CO2 per year.

7The state of Indiana’s street trees provide approximately $79 million annually in environmental and economic benefits. In the capital, Indianapolis, this equals $6.6 million in benefits just from street trees alone.


8The list of other benefits trees in cities provide is long — from removing CO2 from the air, cleaning water and providing habitat for wildlife. But in urban environments, the benefits to people individually and society as a whole extend to social, physical and economic well-being.

9People are happier and healthier in cities with more trees. Greener urban areas are connected to healthier and more social interactions between adults and children, as well as lower levels of graffiti, property crimes and violent crimes. According to one major study, public housing buildings surrounded by trees had 52 percent fewer total crimes, 48 percent fewer property crimes and 56 percent fewer violent crimes than buildings with few trees. Tall, dense trees with soft ground surfaces can reduce city noise by 50 percent or more.

10Cities trees have also been shown to have significant health benefits. Research on more than 3,000 inner-city children in the United States showed that those who could easily reach a greenspace had less stress and a lower body mass. Among children living in neighborhoods with street trees, there is a lower prevalence of early childhood asthma.

第8-10段在说绿植带来的benefits, 这里再次引用了大量的facts和数据。

11But just as our urban trees are working for us, we need to work for them. As trees in urban forests get larger and provide greater benefits, like any infrastructure, they also get older and may require greater care to keep both them and us safe. Cities must provide adequate funding, crews and staff to keep our trees healthy. But in terms of the services they provide to the city, they are one of the few infrastructure investments that also grows in value.

第11段 用but一词,标志着logical turning point, 呼吁城市市政要重视绿植的价值,增加拨款,雇佣专业人员。

12Eighty percent of the U.S. population lives in urban areas. Over the next 50 years, the population in cities is projected to increase substantially. Urban forests will become even more critical to ensure healthy and livable communities.


13With extreme weather occurring with greater frequency, city governments must start investing in urban forests now to mitigate problems in the future. This investment includes long-term, consistent maintenance plans; funding to support jobs for maintenance crews and specialists to monitor and care for trees; and strong ordinances and codes to ensure that planners and developers incorporate trees and greenspace. If we care for our cities’ trees, they will give back to us tenfold. It’s an important investment in our future. Are they worth the risk? Well, we can’t live without them.

呼吁市政当局要加大绿植投资,并提供了一些solution, 用rhetorical question结尾,提醒我们忽视这个问题的代价。




Passage 1 小说类:


Passage 2 社科经济类:


Passage 3 自然科学类:


Passage 4 历史类:


Passage 5 自然科学类:



这套卷子的SAT阅读难度适中稍难,出现了2篇Science文章(其中1篇还是paired passage),1篇Social Science文章,1篇History文章,还有一篇文学类文章。其中History的文章是Emerson之于政府和个人关系的论述,也可算作Social Science政治类文章。由此可见,Science类型的文章占比进一步加大!

Passage 1: 文学类文章,小说,难度稍易


Passage 2: 社科类Social Science文章,难度适中

本文讲述了一个概念 - metaphor(隐喻手法),以及它对人心理产生的印象和作用。文章开头举了一个metaphor的例子,说如果没有去过一个城市,而另一个人对这个城市的描述是脏乱差,这个隐喻手法就会在我们脑子中根深蒂固,即使发现是不准确的,也很难被去除。文章随后用科学实验的例子,继续通过数据去说明metaphor对人心理产生的影响。例子是描述一个城市的犯罪,用两个不同的词汇描述,一个描述犯罪是“像猛兽肆虐城市”,一个是像“病毒散播城市”,然后让受访者选择解决方案,凶猛型的“增加警力和监狱”和温和型“教育并扶植经济”,结果完全不一样。

Passage 3: 科学Science类,难度稍高


Passage 4: 历史政治History类,难度稍高


Passage 5: 科学Science类,难度适中

第五篇文章是Paired Passage。两篇文章,都是讲火星的。第一篇讲火星上在亿万年前,科学研究表明发现有湖泊 (warm little pond) 的存在。文章介绍了这个湖的地点,大小,并且论述因为这个湖的存在,具备了生命的基本条件,提出了一个理论设想。 而第二篇则提出,火星上有水源并且有较长时间孵化出史前生命这个传统观点,可能是错误的。研究表明火星有可能是在极短的时间内遭遇了地球从未经历的大变化,水源消失,没有足够的时间是的生命孵化。



整体来说,这套卷子的考点都是上课老师会提到的,具体的词汇辨析题这边有整理。其他的主要考查到简洁concise原则, 标点符号,逻辑修辞,代词等等常规考点。

Passage 1:网络新闻对于记者的技能要求

里面出的词汇题为traditional, sites track还是很简单的。

Passage 2:动物的play的方式


Passage 3:总统候选人的debate和演讲作用评价

主要结合图表题进行总统辩论和演讲的作用分析,其实用处不大。里面的词汇题主要考查文本和单词的正式,所以teeny,petite都过于口语化,选择minuscule。另外考了固定搭配 place an emphasis on …

Passage 4:当代艺术的欣赏和爆发

讲解的是一对兄弟推出在当时看来很radical的绘画,然后向大家讲解当代艺术的欣赏。最后一题词汇题非常难,考查thrill, hysteria, thrill, mayhem等等这些词。



Passage 1

本文讲的是绿色能源的两种介绍。其中主要介绍了biofuel,举的例子是algae fuel,描述了建筑物如何使用绿色能源向建筑物提供energy,减少能源消耗。

Passage 2

本文讲的是Dudley Randall这位诗人,在60年代的Black Arts Movement中,如何创办了Broadside Press,通过将诗歌印刷在传统的宣传页上,传播诗歌这个艺术内容。文章主要讲述的是传统宣传页在这个运动中如何被重新使用,以及Broadside Press的成功。

Passage 3


Passage 4

本文讲的Frank Lloyd Wright这位建筑师在30年代构思的一个理想城市设计:Broadacre City。Wright这位建筑师觉得当时的城市设计非常糟糕,所以他一生致力于设计一个理想城市。文章描绘了Broadacre City的一些设计理念,比如较少的高楼大厦,通过高速公路连接城市周边的农场等。


1. 尽管这是早申请前的关键一战,但是这么大面积的使用老题,我对原定于9月7日左右的出分时间,持有悲观态度。

2. 这次的考生大多是已经身经数战的12年级学生,且不乏大量1500左右的高手,虽然整体人数不多,但是Curve会比较严,毕竟这是一次高手过招的月份,加上个别同学做过这套题。

3. 国内的机构基本都有这两套题,按照教学的实际情况看,高分的应该差不了,低分的即使做过也高不了哪去,另外高的离谱了,反而更危险。

4. 本来10月份没有打算报名的同学,为了保险起见,还是把10月的报上罢,毕竟CB不靠谱的习惯,也不是一次两次了,如果能够顺利拿到满意分数,再取消也不迟。

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