SAT 写作的开头和结尾怎样写更吸引人?

小站整理2024-08-08 18:50:06

摘要:在 SAT 写作中,一个吸引人的开头和结尾至关重要。以下是一些建议和示例: 开头:
在 SAT 写作中,一个吸引人的开头和结尾至关重要。以下是一些建议和示例: 开头: 提出引人深思的问题 例如:“In a world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, how do we ensure that it benefits humanity rather than causing harm?” 这种开头能够引发读者的思考,激发他们继续阅读以寻找答案。 讲述生动的故事或个人经历 比如:“I still remember the day when I witnessed a heated debate between two of my classmates over the role of government in regulating the economy. That was the moment I began to seriously consider the complexity of this issue.” 以具体的故事或经历引入主题,能让读者产生共鸣和兴趣。 引用震撼的数据或惊人的事实 例如:“Did you know that over 80% of college students struggle with stress-related disorders? This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need to address the issue of mental health on campus.” 用令人惊讶的数据抓住读者的注意力,并显示出问题的重要性。 给出独特的观点或反常识的论断 比如:“Contrary to popular belief, success is not solely determined by intelligence but rather by a combination of perseverance and emotional intelligence.” 这种开头会挑战读者的常规思维,促使他们想要了解更多您的论证。 结尾: 呼应开头,强化主题 如果开头以故事引入,结尾可以再次提及这个故事并总结其意义。例如:“Just as my classmates' debate opened my eyes to the complexity of economic regulation, it is clear that finding the right balance requires careful consideration and collaboration.” 提出行动呼吁或展望未来 比如:“It is our responsibility to take action and implement policies that promote environmental sustainability. Only then can we ensure a bright future for generations to come.” 让读者感到有责任和动力去做出改变。 升华主题,引发更广泛的思考 例如:“The issue of gender equality is not only a matter of social justice; it is essential for the progress and prosperity of our entire society.” 将主题提升到更高的层面,让读者对问题有更深入的认识。 以简洁有力的语句总结论点 比如:“In conclusion, through a careful analysis of the evidence, it is evident that the proposed solution is both feasible and necessary for the betterment of our community.” 清晰地重申您的主要观点,给读者留下深刻的印象。 总之,开头要引人入胜,结尾要有力而深刻,这样才能使您的 SAT 写作更具吸引力和说服力。
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