2017年北安普顿大学优质文书范文 医学专业留学文书这么写

小站整理2017-12-27 18:06:17



传送门>>>>>>2017年UCAS系统文书范文汇总 热门高校PS范文等你来(火速更新中)


Every aspect of the human body works together in a synchronised manner and is intricate. The human body is made in a way that has many complications and is too complex for anyone to simply understand. Over many centuries numbers of people have tried to understand why things happen and how to prevent or encourage things from happening. An example of this is how humans have developed surgical techniques and how the advances have turned into a scientific discipline with strict guidelines. I believe that obtaining my ODP(临床护理) higher level qualification will enable me to enter the medical field and it will allow me to expand my communication technique and adapt on methodological processes.


I have had the opportunity to work in a local pharmacy for the last 6 months every Saturday and some weekdays. My role has required me to hand out prescriptions, referring problems to the pharmacist and providing medical advice on common problems like colds or head lice.

This experience has broadened my knowledge on medicines and the challenges and tasks I will face in a hospital setting. This role has given me the chance to interact with customers from a wide range of backgrounds and ethnicities and I have also had the task of ordering drugs and stock which can relate to the ODP role which will require me to do this.I have learnt that it is important for me to be confident in what I am saying and in reassuring the clients/patients my effective communication skills are applied. This role has helped me to develop significant behaviours that I can take with me into the ODP role, like good practical skills and the ability to act calmly and maintain concentration. For example in the pharmacy an agitated client came in for their methadone and the pharmacist was on her lunch break, I saw it as my responsibility to diffuse the situation, consequently this shows my ability to act calmly and learn quickly.


From further reading I have developed my own interpretations and ideas about the NHS. Recently I have come across the Health news articles and one I was particularly interested in was the August 18th 2015 article which was about antibiotic resistance and the guidelines for tackling the over prescribing of antibiotics .This can be done by avoiding repeat prescriptions of antibiotics and consequently implications should be put in place to monitor patients who require repeat prescriptions.


Having grown up with the influence of the health care background from my Mother who is a nurse and other family members as a whole has put emphasis on the importance of our responsibility in maintaining all aspects of our health, this has pushed me in the right direction and has also given me the natural instinct to have a caring nature. I have the desire to study to become an ODP as I believe that I have contextual knowledge from the courses that I am currently studying on the basic concepts of topics that would be used in the profession, for example anatomy and physiology, communication and equality and diversity. My interest for the ODP course has developed over the last 3 years as I studied health and social care and physical education. Over these years I knew that I wanted to have a career in the medical field and that the experiences I had encountered had pushed me in to that direction. When I discovered that a career in the NHS was what I was passionate about I further researched about careers within the institution and came across ODP which I felt matched my character best, consequently ever since I have been intrigued. These understandings have led to me having conversations with various health care professionals including my older cousin who is also an ODP and he told me about his challenges and fulfillments which contributed to me being encouraged as well as assured me that I had the right qualities for the role and the ability to respond to stressful situations.






