考文垂大学2017文书范文分享 法律专业申请者狂言:我将是你们的财宝!(附3篇范文)

小站整理2017-12-15 14:27:24



Business Management Personal Statement


There are many events in a person’s life, but only a few of them are important and define a new start in their path. To me, one of these events is the choice, which I had to make about my future education.

The variety of courses and majors, the good opportunities which the universities in Bulgaria and abroad offer are the reason for my doubts and questions. Where to continue my education?

Where would I be most useful to the causes I protect?

Now, that I have graduated from high-school, the decision which I have to make for my future career seems like one of the hardest decisions that I have to make in my life.

I chose to study a business related course at your university, because to me it has always been interesting and it offers good opportunities for future development and implementation.

During my research I found out that your university offers their students excellent academic quality and well-developed practically oriented education. Students are trained to identify, analyze and evaluate the role of key factors, processes and structures in business and management.

The matter that I want to study is very lively, vibrant and dynamic and it requires many qualities from the people who study it and apply it in their work. I accept this challenge with confidence. As a participant in national and international projects organized by my school I learned how to work in a team. The discussion club “Debate” in high school, of which I am an active member for three years, taught me analytical thinking and strengthened my communication skills. My participation in various extracurricular activities made me disciplined and organized. I’m ready to deal with the circumstances, whatever they are, by showing flexibility and persistence.

I believe that all the young people around the world are closely related, regardless of where they come from, they happen to meet somewhere. And they understand each other easily, because ambitious young people have common interest and aims. And if I get the chance to be accepted at your university I expect to meet a lot of new and interesting people, to make new friendships and to get to know different cultures and traditions. And most importantly I will have the real opportunity to succeed in my life and career.

I know that I might face a lot of obstacles, but they will be lessons which will make me more feisty to achieve my dreams. The knowledge that I will receive will be very valuable to me and for my future career in this globalized world. I will be prepared to not be afraid of the competition, to think big, to be pragmatic and truly useful. To me, this would be a wonderful chance and highly appreciated opportunity.





