杜伦大学优质文书分享 我对英国中世纪考古做了个调查

小站整理2017-11-22 16:37:16



传送门>>>>>>文书写作个人陈述指导汇总 名校范文大礼包砸来!(火速更新中)


Offer:杜伦大学 利物浦大学 曼彻斯特大学 约克大学 兰切斯特大学

I have had an interest in archaeology for some years which has stemmed from reading about topics such as Troy and ancient Rome. I have always found it very intriguing how the discoveries of sites and artefacts from places like these have raised awareness about the importance and value of archaeology and I am fascinated by how archaic cultures, findings and inventions have influenced our modern lives.

I have been interested in the discovery of ancient cultures and how we learn about them since I studied Greek and Roman mythology in primary school and subsequently bought a book of Greek myths. I was happy to learn that I would be able to study Classics at college and I find that this gives me an insight into the culture through reading Homer's Odyssey and Iliad, and several Greek plays, including Aristophanes' Wasps and Euripides' Medea.

Another aspect of archaeology I enjoy is the medieval period, and this has led me to visit several sites which not only include medieval history but date back hundreds of years before,including Bamburgh and Alnwick Castles in Northumbria.

To learn more about how archaeology can completely change our perception of history, I decided to do an EPQ about the significance of the Coppergate dig in York and how it altered our opinions of Viking life. For my research I visited the Jorvik museum and have collected information in different forms as well as finding photographs from York Archaeological Trust from the time of the dig. I chose to study this because Jorvik is a big part of York's history, the Coppergate dig along with it, and I was fascinated by the idea that one simple excavation could alter so many previous assumptions about the Viking way of life.

I also have an interest in the archaeology of Ancient Egypt, as there is much more to uncover about this other great culture than we have already found, especially as new truths about Egypt are always being discovered, such as how the pyramids were built and how the Egyptians buried their dead. This topic is something that I would love to know more about through reading or documentaries.

I have improved my essay writing skills and learned how to analyse specific points with accuracy by studying English Language while I have combined these with a more creative element through Film Studies.

I was able to study a different culture and language through modern topics by learning AS Spanish and this gave me an appreciation of other cultures as well as knowledge of another language.

I have held a part time job for just over a year now at a shoe shop, and I feel like the sort of tasks and issues I am faced with has helped me to become more confident and responsible. I have been to Lourdes twice on pilgrimage, once with the charity HCPT and once with Leeds Diocese. I found that both these experiences broadened my horizons and helped me to appreciate the difficulties that people can face.

In my spare time I am an avid reader and I enjoy historical fiction and fantasy. I also enjoy non-fiction and I am a big fan of the factual website Listverse. I also write fiction and am a member of a creative writing website. I took part in a six-week kayaking course which I thoroughly enjoyed and would be interested in pursuing further. I have been skiing twice with my high school and obtained my bronze and silver awards.

By studying this course I will be able to expand my knowledge of ancient cultures and their history and learn how they worked. I will also be able to develop my skills in analysis and critical thinking which will put me in a good position for employment, having flexible skills and the ability to apply them to different situations. My goal is to learn more about discoveries of ancient cultures and even play a part in unearthing these.

1. 申请者在文书中大篇幅谈到了与考古有关的学习积累。包括对古希腊、古罗马、古埃及文明的涉猎,网站、神话、诗歌、戏剧……展示了申请者广泛且丰富的专业兴趣与深厚积累;

2. 除了古文明,申请者表示出对中时代文明的热心,尤其是提到在约克维京人考古上的思考与实践,一个对考古兴趣浓厚且有自己创造性实践的学生形象跃然纸上。相信招生官也会对一个在英国本土历史上有所研究的学生另眼相看;

3. 在这篇文章后三段,申请者谈到了自己的兼职工作、朝圣之旅以及阅读历史小说和滑雪的爱好。点小且少,但又不千篇一律,申请者进行了充分利用,比如读小说之余,申请者也会自己写小说,展示了其能动性和超强的学习能力。

4. 这篇PS信息量很大,主要是围绕考古展开,连活动和爱好都与历史文学相关,展示申请者的真才实学和对考古专业的热爱。


警戒!美布兰迪斯大学发紧急通知 一可疑者携枪闯入校园



