推荐信写作技巧 到底怎么写才能更出彩?

小站整理2017-10-12 18:25:19














Dear John,

Hello, I hope you are well. I am writing to ask a huge favor — I'm applying for a senior marketing position with Merck and I was hoping you'd consider writing a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I always appreciated your perspective and judgment while working together. You have so much credibility within the product development space that I thought you'd be a perfect person to act as a reference.


I have included a list of bullet points along with a draft letter you might consider using as a template. I'd like to make the process as easy as possible on you and I know it's hard to recall details about the many different projects we worked on together in 2007 and 2008.


If for any reason you don't feel comfortable writing a letter on my behalf, I completely understand. If you are willing to do so, however, please feel free to take the attached sample letter and use it as a template however you see fit. I have tried to address my core strengths as a strategic thinker and team player and I have highlighted several marketing campaigns I'm particularly proud of. To the extent that you'd like to make any changes or modifications to the letter, please go ahead and do so. I trust that you'll include only those topics you feel comfortable commenting upon.

Further, I would welcome the opportunity to see a copy of the letter, but I of course understand your position if you'd like to keep it confidential.


5 推荐信应该怎么写



我们申请人的好多推荐信都有这方面的毛病,在信的字里行间堆砌着许多赞美褒奖的词汇,如“intelligent”,“ambitious”,“personable”,“natural born leader”等等,但却不举一件事例对这些夸赞加以说明。这样的推荐信不仅苍白无力,不能增加评审委员会对你的了解,而且还有可能让读信的人产生疑问:为什么这些与你亲近的人却不能说出你的任何一件具体成就?这封信的真实可靠性就要大打折扣了。这种信看起来像是编造的,或者是推荐人敷衍搪塞的作品。实际上,如果没有具体生动的事例,评审委员会又怎能将你从成百上千,甚至成千上万个申请者中区分开来呢?因此,只要不罗嗦,不讲废话,多举一些实例是有益无害的,长度一到两页均可。



· 推荐人与申请人的关系。

· 推荐人是在什么环境下认识申请人,以及相识多久。

· 申请人希望申请的哪一个学期和科系。


· 推荐人对申请人资格评估。

· 推荐人初识申请人时,对他有何特别的印象。

· 举例证实推荐人对于申请人的评估结果。


· 对于申请人个人特质的评估。如:沟通能力、成熟度、抱负、领导能力、团队工作能力,以及正直等),或是有哪些需要改进的地方。


Dear Sir:

It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fu-ping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school.

Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Council's project "The United States and the United Nations' Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. Congress" since September 1997. His major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing and translating. He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. Mr. Wang is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties. All the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily. Actually, he is so reliable that I assign him with heavy responsibilities. With his help, I have been able to spend more time in writing the research paper. I really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable assistant.

I am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of academic achievements in his future academic pursuits. I strongly recommend his admission without any reservation.

Sincerely yours,

Chung Wei-kuo

Research Fellow and Professor



失败1 堆砌形容词,没有具体事件的举例。让人感觉申请者的优秀度也没有很强。

失败2 没有反应出推荐人为何觉得申请者适合申请这个项目,有哪些未来发展的潜能。

6 推荐信的常用问题


In what context and for how long have you known the applicant? Please comment on the frequency of interaction. Please give exact dates. Is this person still employed by your organization? 询问推荐人与申请者的关系

In your answers, please describe specific activities or accomplishments that demonstrate this candidate's strengths and weaknesses.优劣势问题

1. What are the applicant's principal strengths and special talents? / Provide a short list of adjectives that describe the applicant's strengths.问优势

2. Discuss the applicant's competence in his area of responsibility or specialization (i.e. organizational skills, attention to detail, ability to complete assignments). 问能力

3. How does the applicant's performance compare with that of his or her peers? How does he accept constructive criticism? How has the applicant grown during his employment with you? 评价申请者的表现

4. Comment on the applicant's ability to work with others, including superiors, peers and subordinates. Would you enjoy working for the applicant? / Please discuss observations you have made concerning the applicant's leadership abilities and group skills. 问合作能力

5. Comment on the applicant's maturity. 问特质

6. How would you describe the applicant's sense of humor? 问特质

7. In what ways could the applicant improve professionally? / What aspect of the applicant would you most like to change? / In which areas could the applicant exhibit growth or improvement? Has he worked on these areas? 问劣势/可提高的空间

8. How well has the applicant made use of available opportunities? Consider his initiative, curiosity and motivation. 问动机

9. What do you think motivates the candidate's application to the MBA program? Do you feel the applicant is realistic in his professional ambitions? / Has the applicant given careful consideration to his plans for entry into the MBA program? / Please comment on your impression of the applicant's capacity for graduate work.问动机

10. Comment on the applicant's business ethics.职业道德

11. What is your overall assessment of the applicant's potential for success as an effective and inspiring upper-level manager? 问发展潜能

12. Please provide detailed comments on the applicant's degree of self-confidence. 问特质



