美国名校申请指南 面试的考量点是什么?

小站整理2017-08-24 17:25:15


We offer these samples of actual interview reports or excerpts to highlight the kinds of commentaries that help the admissions committee make careful, informed decisions. For contrast, we’ve included examples of write-ups that could have been more influential with the addition of supporting detail. This selection is not fully representative of the many effective reporting styles used by ASC volunteers, but we hope it serves illustrative purposes. We’ve changed names and other identifying characteristics.

Report I

In fact, the biggest challenge in this interview was to encourage Hans to elaborate on his thinking. My sense is that he is bright and concise such that he sees no need to explain because everything is quickly clear in his own mind. He also seems to prefer the abstract to the tangible, and I was pushing towards the tangible in an effort to understand how he thinks. I believe that Hans will develop the ability to elaborate and give more complete explanations, but he’s not there yet. I don’t mean that Hans isn’t an excellent candidate, simply that it might not come across. He’s not shy but does not talk unless there is a reason. This could indicate a potential for abstract mathematics, and he does seem to eat up math.

T:这是一个typical negative feedback。各位面试的同学需要注意必须要清楚的表达自己。

Report II

She engaged me in quite a conversation about the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (something I loved as an undergrad as well) and is very interested in doing research there. Ruth also is very interested in what goes on at the Peabody Museum because her first academic interest is evolution and mammals. This has been a strong interest of hers since she was very young, enhanced because she lives in an area close to abundant nature.


She’s extremely concerned about the rate at which nature is disappearing, feels it’s not right and wants to do something about it as a scientist (vs. an attorney or politician). She’s particularly interested in animal behavior and related research and has read much in psychology textbooks belonging to her mother that she found in her house. This led to a discussion about the work of Temple Grandin and also the life of Nim Chimpsky. Ruth feels that classes utilizing either the Beinecke or the Peabody would be a great academic fit for her as it would enable experience, seeing and doing as part of the learning process.


Report III

Lilian is an exceptional young lady whose energy and excitement for life were clearly evident. Within about an hour, we discussed so many topics passions and interests of hers that I needed to grab an extra page of paper for my notes. This is also partly due to her being an extremely fast talker. We began our discussion by talking about academics which she seemed a bit stressed about having just finished with her semester exams. Whether it was the stressful week or maybe she is more passionate about her extracurricular activities, she seemed much more relaxed when the conversation moved to her interests.

She started tumbling at the young age of four and this has since turned into one of her biggest passions, Varsity Cheer. She is the captain and was incredibly passionate about the progress that she has made with the team since her freshman year. It was obvious that this was something that she really cares about and would have an interest in continuing at Yale. She is also heavily involved in music as she plays the violin. Finally she has been a part of student council since her freshman year and has held positions from class rep to the treasurer. She seems to have really grown as a leader within the school community because of her experiences with student council.

T:不是所有的课外活动都能成功加分。我们比较看重的是有长期坚持和投入的活动(long-term commitment)。就好比如说,不是随便业余会点乐器便叫做passionate about music,而是“heavily involved” like this candidate。

Her questions at the end of our talk showed great interest in Yale and I got the impression that she would truly try to get the most out of her Yale experience if admitted.

T:通常来说,在面试后期我们会问申请人有什么问题想问我们的吗?这不是一个可有可无的routine question,相反,我们期待申请人能做好关于学校的research,问一些真正感兴趣的问题(beyond website information)。

Report IV

Theresa is one of those people who have a spark in their eyes. You can just see the intellect in there, and it manifests itself in different ways. She has a dry sense of humor (when she lets it out) and picks up on amusing things in the normal world in a Seinfeld-like way. While not an overtly outgoing person in our interview, I could tell there is a fun person lurking just below the surface.

Theresa moved to the US with her family at age four. Her family bounced around the country a bit, following their extended family and work opportunities, until finally landing here.

T:这些personal experience也是distinct you from the rest的地方。

From a young age Theresa has wanted to be a doctor, treating patients. To further this interest, she has volunteered at a local hospital, but seems to have been relegated to office work rather than patient contact work because of shift scheduling. I detected a certain amount of disappointment in her when she mentioned this. I asked her why she wanted to be a doctor, and I first got her “funny” answer: “I’m good at science, and I’m Asian, after all…” I then got the real answer: she enjoys science and math as disciplines and her mother was a nurse in their former country, and she has a very positive view of helping people for a profession.

Theresa also has an artsy side that seems to be a bit suppressed in her. She has played the piano for several years, loves listening to music and likes to dance. In fact, when I asked her what she really likes to do what she would do if she could only do one thing she said she would dance. Again, I think there is an expressive person somewhere deep down that will ultimately come out when given the chance.

Theresa is also a very pleasant conversationalist. While outwardly a bit quiet, she is fun to speak with nevertheless. In the Yale pool, I think she is solid but not extraordinary.

Report V

Simply put, Neal is an amazing candidate–he is perhaps the most intellectually curious candidate I’ve ever interviewed. He combines that curiosity and love of learning with a desire to make a difference in the realm of electrical engineering or possibly in computer engineering, the space between programming and electrical engineering. Neal also stands out because, unlike most candidates who have somewhat stressed, overscheduled aura about them, he presents himself as genuinely very happy and relaxed.

Neal also loves to read. Neal has read science fiction and fantasy since he was young, and during high school has branched out into literature more broadly.

T:again, long-term comitment。

Neal comes across as an extremely mature, poised, comfortable, humble, highly engaged, intelligent eighteen year-old. Based on the interview, I believe Neal would fit in very well socially at Yale and likely have an easier time of it than the average Yale freshman. He’s very comfortable in his own skin. I enthusiastically recommend Neal. He’s one of the most impressive candidates I’ve ever met and I expect he will be brilliant in his field.


美国名校面试的考量点是什么?以耶鲁为例 对于各位想申请耶鲁的同学,面试是很重要的一环(对别的很多学校也是)。而面试官在面试结束后会被要求提交一份面试报告给学校招生办。我们特地摘选了部分报告,来给大家看看面试的考量点都是什么。同时,我们也邀请到了耶鲁中国境内面试官Mr. T来给大家做一些相应的点评及面试喜好介绍。 \ We offer these samples of actual interview reports or excerpts to highlight the kinds of commentaries that help the admissions committee make careful, informed decisions. For contrast, we’ve included examples of write-ups that could have been more influential with the addition of supporting detail. This selection is not fully representative of the many effective reporting styles used by ASC volunteers, but we hope it serves illustrative purposes. We’ve changed names and other identifying characteristics. Report I In fact, the biggest challenge in this interview was to encourage Hans to elaborate on his thinking. My sense is that he is bright and concise such that he sees no need to explain because everything is quickly clear in his own mind. He also seems to prefer the abstract to the tangible, and I was pushing towards the tangible in an effort to understand how he thinks. I believe that Hans will develop the ability to elaborate and give more complete explanations, but he’s not there yet. I don’t mean that Hans isn’t an excellent candidate, simply that it might not come across. He’s not shy but does not talk unless there is a reason. This could indicate a potential for abstract mathematics, and he does seem to eat up math. T:这是一个typical negative feedback。各位面试的同学需要注意必须要清楚的表达自己。 Report II She engaged me in quite a conversation about the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (something I loved as an undergrad as well) and is very interested in doing research there. Ruth also is very interested in what goes on at the Peabody Museum because her first academic interest is evolution and mammals. This has been a strong interest of hers since she was very young, enhanced because she lives in an area close to abundant nature. T:这都是这位申请人让面试官觉得impressive的小细节。 She’s extremely concerned about the rate at which nature is disappearing, feels it’s not right and wants to do something about it as a scientist (vs. an attorney or politician). She’s particularly interested in animal behavior and related research and has read much in psychology textbooks belonging to her mother that she found in her house. This led to a discussion about the work of Temple Grandin and also the life of Nim Chimpsky. Ruth feels that classes utilizing either the Beinecke or the Peabody would be a great academic fit for her as it would enable experience, seeing and doing as part of the learning process. T:这位申请人对自己的兴趣方向有比较专业的了解,事先也做好了自己关于耶鲁的research。这样的申请人自然是会更容易给我们留下印象。 Report III Lilian is an exceptional young lady whose energy and excitement for life were clearly evident. Within about an hour, we discussed so many topics passions and interests of hers that I needed to grab an extra page of paper for my notes. This is also partly due to her being an extremely fast talker. We began our discussion by talking about academics which she seemed a bit stressed about having just finished with her semester exams. Whether it was the stressful week or maybe she is more passionate about her extracurricular activities, she seemed much more relaxed when the conversation moved to her interests. She started tumbling at the young age of four and this has since turned into one of her biggest passions, Varsity Cheer. She is the captain and was incredibly passionate about the progress that she has made with the team since her freshman year. It was obvious that this was something that she really cares about and would have an interest in continuing at Yale. She is also heavily involved in music as she plays the violin. Finally she has been a part of student council since her freshman year and has held positions from class rep to the treasurer. She seems to have really grown as a leader within the school community because of her experiences with student council. T:不是所有的课外活动都能成功加分。我们比较看重的是有长期坚持和投入的活动(long-term commitment)。就好比如说,不是随便业余会点乐器便叫做passionate about music,而是“heavily involved” like this candidate。 Her questions at the end of our talk showed great interest in Yale and I got the impression that she would truly try to get the most out of her Yale experience if admitted. T:通常来说,在面试后期我们会问申请人有什么问题想问我们的吗?这不是一个可有可无的routine question,相反,我们期待申请人能做好关于学校的research,问一些真正感兴趣的问题(beyond website information)。 Report IV Theresa is one of those people who have a spark in their eyes. You can just see the intellect in there, and it manifests itself in different ways. She has a dry sense of humor (when she lets it out) and picks up on amusing things in the normal world in a Seinfeld-like way. While not an overtly outgoing person in our interview, I could tell there is a fun person lurking just below the surface. Theresa moved to the US with her family at age four. Her family bounced around the country a bit, following their extended family and work opportunities, until finally landing here. T:这些personal experience也是distinct you from the rest的地方。 From a young age Theresa has wanted to be a doctor, treating patients. To further this interest, she has volunteered at a local hospital, but seems to have been relegated to office work rather than patient contact work because of shift scheduling. I detected a certain amount of disappointment in her when she mentioned this. I asked her why she wanted to be a doctor, and I first got her “funny” answer: “I’m good at science, and I’m Asian, after all…” I then got the real answer: she enjoys science and math as disciplines and her mother was a nurse in their former country, and she has a very positive view of helping people for a profession. Theresa also has an artsy side that seems to be a bit suppressed in her. She has played the piano for several years, loves listening to music and likes to dance. In fact, when I asked her what she really likes to do what she would do if she could only do one thing she said she would dance. Again, I think there is an expressive person somewhere deep down that will ultimately come out when given the chance. Theresa is also a very pleasant conversationalist. While outwardly a bit quiet, she is fun to speak with nevertheless. In the Yale pool, I think she is solid but not extraordinary. Report V Simply put, Neal is an amazing candidate–he is perhaps the most intellectually curious candidate I’ve ever interviewed. He combines that curiosity and love of learning with a desire to make a difference in the realm of electrical engineering or possibly in computer engineering, the space between programming and electrical engineering. Neal also stands out because, unlike most candidates who have somewhat stressed, overscheduled aura about them, he presents himself as genuinely very happy and relaxed. Neal also loves to read. Neal has read science fiction and fantasy since he was young, and during high school has branched out into literature more broadly. T:again, long-term comitment。 Neal comes across as an extremely mature, poised, comfortable, humble, highly engaged, intelligent eighteen year-old. Based on the interview, I believe Neal would fit in very well socially at Yale and likely have an easier time of it than the average Yale freshman. He’s very comfortable in his own skin. I enthusiastically recommend Neal. He’s one of the most impressive candidates I’ve ever met and I expect he will be brilliant in his field.




