科学家揭秘 为何辣妹组合的Wannabe成为全球最洗脑神曲

小站整理2014-11-07 11:40:49

摘要:Spice Girls 是世界上最成功,最伟大,影响力最深远的女子流行组合。她们开创了女子组合取得世界范围内成功的先例,对后来出现的所有的女子流行组合都有强大的影响力。辣妹组合将女性主义等元素融入进自身,“辣妹”这个词以及成员的名字都已经家喻户晓,在一代又一代人之中都有不可磨灭的深刻印象。

If you really wanna get a song stuck in your head, you gotta get with my friends the Spice Girls. The group's 1996 debut single "Wannabe" is the world's catchiest song, researchers in Holland say.

The University of Amsterdam has partnered with Manchester's Museum of Science and Industry to study what makes music so memorable. They recently launched Hooked on Music, an online interactive game that asks people to identify songs as quickly as possible based on a short clip.




Turns out people recognize "Wannabe" in an average of 2.29 seconds, according to the BBC.

If you made the mistake of Googling the song just now, you know it's easy to get part of it stuck in your head, even if you don't particularly enjoy the music. Scientists call these self-repeating song loops "ear worms." But they don't know much yet about why they happen -- and how they're affecting your brain.



More than 20,000 people have played Hooked on Music, the Dutch researchers say. Results from the first batch of data collected will be released this weekend at the Manchester Science Festival. The scientists hope their research will lead to breakthroughs for dementia and Alzheimer's patients.

"There has already been some research that shows that if you can find the right piece of music, something that had a very strong meaning, playing that piece of music can be very therapeutic," computational musicologist John Ashley Burgoyne told the BBC. "The challenge is figuring out what is the best piece of music."




