
小站整理2015-04-14 17:41:27





Acceptance of an offer of financial support (such as a graduate scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or assistantship) for the next academic year by a prospective or enrolled graduate student completes an agreement that both student and graduate school expect to honor. In that context, the conditions affecting such offers and their acceptance must be defined carefully and understood by all parties.Students are under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15; earlier deadlines for acceptance of such offers violate the in tent of this Resolution. In those instances in which a student accepts an offer before April 15, and subsequently desires to withdraw that acceptance, the student may submit in writing a resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15. However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another offer without first obtaining a written release from the institution to which a commitment has been made. Similarly,an offer by an institution after April 15 is conditional on presentation by the student of the written release from any previously accepted offer. It is further agreed by the institutions and organizations subscribing to the above Resolution that a copy of this Resolution should accompany every scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, and assistantship offer.


1. 4.15协议,只是针对研究生的,本科生不适用

2. 4.15协议,只是针对offer,AD不适用

3. 此协议并不是一份法律合同,且只是对签署该协议的大学适用

4. 即使学校加入了4.15协议,也可以和学校协商修改对承诺日期进行修改


1  415是协议,不是法律,弹性很大。不同系,不同学校,不同年份,对于由415协议引起的纠纷,处理态度有很大差别。有可能你违反415协议,但是学校最后还是放手,也有可能你违反协议,导致最后不能出国。本解释不保证你在你自认为不违反415协议的情况下,不受学校的处罚!所以请三思而后行。不要因为网络上传言“某某接受3个offer最后也去成美国”等消息的误导,任何可能的后果请仔细阅读理解后自己承担。

2  接受多个offer的问题,之所以多年来在水母飞跃是不受欢迎的话题,是因为它总会不同程度的伤害中国学生,乃至中国人在外国大学,外国教授乃至外国人心中的形象,间接或者直接得损害以后申请的同学。请不要抱怨外国怎么怎么歧视中国人,签证有效期比印度阿三短很多之类,请先站直腰杆做好中国人再说! 请尊重学校,教授,招生委员会的工作,不要觉得拿到offer就是大爷了,要别人尊重你,你先要尊重别人!


