澳大利亚留学如何选校? 2016ERA澳洲最佳大学排名为你指点迷津

小站教育2016-05-06 13:43:46



Ranking University Proportion of Excellence Strength Weakness Breadth
18 格里菲斯大学 Griffith 20% 4 2.4 20
17 斯威本科技大学 Swinburne 22% 2.6 3.6 12
16 南澳大学 UniSA 23% 3.4 1.6 15
15 纽卡斯尔大学 Newcastle 26% 4.6 3.4 18
14 悉尼科技大学 UTS 26% 4.6 0 18
13 昆士兰科技大学 QUT 26% 5 0.8 19
12 塔斯马尼亚大学 Tasmania 27% 5.6 5.6 21
11 南十字星大学 SCU 31% 2.8 4.2 9
10 伍伦贡大学 Wollongong 32% 5.8 2.4 18
9 麦考瑞大学 Macquarie 35% 7 1.6 20
8 阿德莱德大学 Adelaide 46% 10.2 2.4 22
7 西澳大学 UWA 48% 10 0 21
6 莫纳什大学 Monash 68% 13.6 0 20
5 新南威尔士大学 UNSW 75% 15.8 0 21
4 昆士兰大学 UQ 80% 17.6 0 22
3 澳大利亚国立大学 ANU 80% 15.2 0 19
2 悉尼大学 Sydney 85% 18.6 0 22
1 墨尔本大学 Melbourne 85% 18.8 0 22


优秀学生占比(Proportion of excellence).This is a percentage figure representing the number of four and five scores divided by the number of fields which show research activity. Five scores are given a weighting.

学术能力(Strength).The total number of four and five scores. A score of four represents "above world standard" and a score of five represents "well above world standard".

缺点(Weakness).The total number of one and two scores. A score of two represents "below world standard" and a score of one represents "well below world standard".

研究广度(Breadth).This is the total number of fields which show research activity up to a maximum of 22.




