雅思课外读物--Missing link in tyrannosaur family tree discovered

互联网2016-05-26 14:00:22

摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材真题是‘Missing Link’ in Tyrannosaur Family Tree Discovered(恐龙家族史“缺失的环节”被发现)正文有注解,文末有雅思词汇、例句讲解,一起来看!

Brains, Then Brawn?

The finding suggests that tyrannosaurs first evolved their distinct senses and brain structure, and then grew in size much later. In fact, tyrannosaurs' smarts may have made it easier for them to take over for the allosauroids, an earlier group of big-bodied, carnivorous(肉食的)dinosaurs that went extinct(灭绝的)some 94 million years ago. “It’s the head-first mode of evolution,” says Sues. “The brains[are] for the operation, and then you develop the bulk.”

But the team’s work is far from over, given that they have only one surefire(确定的)Timurlengia specimen(标本): the braincase. “It’s like trying to solve a murder with one clue,”says Brusatte. “More than any other experiment or analysis, we just need morefossils.”

In the meantime, all paleontologists know for sure is that Timurlengia was no sensory slouch(笨拙的).

“I think all we can say is that they weren’t as dumb as their predecessors(前任,前辈),” says Carr.


species 物种

dinosaur 恐龙

oddball 奇怪的人或物

resemble 与......相似

preserve 保存

fragment 碎片

curveball 曲线球;难以把握的人或物

weirdo 奇怪的人或物

untangle 揭开谜团

scamper 惊慌地奔跑

margin 边缘

intimidating 令人害怕的

predator 捕食者

stem from 来源于......

olfactory 嗅觉的

emit 散发出

sparse 稀少的

dissolve 溶解

excavation 挖掘;出土

endow 赋予

carnivorous 食肉的

extinct 灭绝的

surefire 确信的

specimen 标本

slouch 笨拙的

predecessor 前任;前辈

Comprehension Questions

1. What is the name of the newly discovered species of tyrannosaur? why is it described as an "oddball" by some scientists?

2. In what sense is Timurlengia the "missing link" in tyannosaur family?


1. Baleen species, on the other hand, appear to have some related brain structures but it is not known whether these are functional. (剑4T1P2)


2. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.(剑5T1P3)


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4. Trace amounts of nickel and sulphur are usually present in the raw materials used to make glass, and nickel can also be introduced by fragments of nickel alloys falling into the molten glass.(剑5P4T2)


5.However, the major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, orobscured, its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself.(剑10T3P1)


6. A violent eruption can blow the top few kilometers off a mountain, scatter fine ash practically all over the globe and hurl rock fragments into the stratosphere to darken the skies a continent away.(剑4T3P2)







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