雅思课外读物--Why and how should death be discussed in school?

互联网2016-03-28 15:25:52

摘要:今天要跟大家分享的雅思阅读素材是关于一个很严肃的话题:死亡“Why and how should death be discussed in school? 在学校里,我们为什么要讨论死亡,并且如何去讨论?”看看本文的观点吧!

As any bereavement specialist will say, it’s in the best interest of (符合……的利益)the students for schools to help the staff learn to honestly and openly answer questions about death and to provide a safe place for students’ conversations.

Teachers need a straightforward approach when students ask questions like, “Since we played together, will I get cancer and die too?” or “Will a bad guy come to our school and hurt us?” or when a teacher notices a student’s grades slip.

The American Psychological Association advises us that it is okay to acknowledge with children that bad things like school shootings or the death of a classmate or teacher happen. At the same time, teachers can reassure(向……保证)their students that many people are working to keep them safe, including their parents, teachers and local police.

Also, it’s good to clarify what the student is asking. A child might ask, “Why is Jane’s locker gone?” because she wants to talk about her death, or because she wants to know if she can move her locker to where Jane’s was. And teachers should remember that these are rarely one-time conversations. Children process tragic events over time. I still talk with my son about what happened to his former classmate.

Here are four other resources and suggestions for teachers:

The U.S. Department of Education provides resources for schools and teachers to guide tough conversations. They even encourage schools to have plans in place for such tragedies.

There are online resources such as those developed by the Coalition to Support Grieving Students.

Bereavement experts like James recommends the pneumonic CHILD. Consider the child’s age and developmental stage. Be H Involve children when possible. Listen. And Do it again and again.

Healthcare professionals, like bereavement specialists and child-life specialists, can be an invaluable resource to guide schools and teachers. Most towns have someone with expertise(专业知识)in bereavement issues with whom schools could partner.

Teachers should not feel alone as they help children cope with illness, death, and grief. Even with my experience helping families of dying children, I, sought advice from an expert, a child-life specialist, before telling my children that I have breast cancer.

Learning to cope with life’s tragedies is as important as reading, writing or arithmetic. Having teachers who know how to talk about death in age-appropriate ways will help our students heal, learn, and grow.


Go about 处理;对付

Bereavement 丧失亲人(之痛)

Ubiquitous 无处不在的

Grieve 悲伤

Discretion 谨慎,小心,判断

Impart 传授

Regression 倒退

In the interest of… 符合……的利益

Reassure 向……保证

Expertise 专业知识






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