
小站教育2015-05-08 17:14:54




Travelling as living

We don't want to just visit places, or rush to as many places as possible in a short period. We plan to actually live our life on the road.



We enjoyed these activities a lot even when we were working. On the road, we are free to hike into mountains whenever there is one. In Yunnan province we did an epic thru-hike for 18 days with the highest point of 4900m. Although most hikers don't prefer walking on the road, we actually enjoy it as much. The world is actually a very small place we figured. At this rate, we will cover 7000km(4000 miles) a year, and in 5 years we will walk the circumference of the earth. I told my wife, half jokingly:"The world is too tiny to be wasted on wheels."



On the road or in the trail, when we are not talking to each other, or not admiring the sights or landscapes, we listen to audiobooks or iTunes U courses we downloaded. We found it's a great way and most efficient to spend the time. Adding with our night time readings, within a month, we finish at least eight titles. Reading gives us great insights to nearly everything, almost as much as traveling itself. Books about local history and culture enriches the traveling experience while more importantly, reveals the deeper meanings inside of things around us and clears the bias and prejudices we previously hold.



I write and my wife draws, whenever we have a day off the road and find ourselves spending time in a quiet and peaceful place such as a beach, a food stall or a tea hut. We both started fresh, and by now we each have quite a few works done. Hopefully we can find us experienced and creative enough to achieve something.


Understanding the world and the people

Spending a lengthy period in a culture gives us an advantage to understand it. Although I can only speak some daily phrases now to bargain in a local market in Vietnam, still, it gets me closer to the vietnamese people. The books about Vietnam I've read on the road equip me with some extended knowledge(compared to the short paragraphs in lonely planet guidebooks) to enable me to appreciate the art, architecture and music and to understand the culture and the people, especially their feelings.


Traveling like this improves one's sensibility and empathy. You are not just dealing with people in the tourism industry or fellow travelers. You meet real local people, people who speak no English or your own language, who have never travelled outside of their own village. When some levels of communication could be built up upon your encounter, you realize while the cultural difference could be vast, we are all humans, we share a great deal of common emotions, sympathies, and excitements. People deserve to be understood and empathized with, way better than they currently are. And this realization motivates us to explore more, improve our language skills, and share our understandings with fellow countrymen or our communities.

一段完美的关于the beauty of travel的表白和感悟。

I am looking forward to visit the rest of the world like this, it brings me joy and fulfillment.

他们的下一站是日本。Be safe and good luck.






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