
小站整理2023-04-20 14:58:38

    雅思阅读范文:The Impact of Tourism on Wildlife

With the rapid growth of global tourism industry, wildlife tourism has become increasingly popular worldwide, generating significant economic benefits for local communities. However, this type of tourism also has a significant impact on wildlife, which raises concerns about the sustainability of this industry.

One of the major impacts of wildlife tourism is the disturbance to animals’ natural habitats and behaviors. For example, wildlife parks that allow visitors to get close to animals can result in increased stress and altered behavior patterns for animals, which can have negative long-term effects on their health and reproduction.

Another impact is the potential spread of diseases from humans to wildlife or from wildlife to humans. This risk is particularly high in areas where humans and wildlife come into close contact, such as in game reserves or safari parks, and can have serious consequences for both human health and the survival of animal species.

Furthermore, the demand for wildlife tourism can lead to overexploitation of resources, such as game meat or animal products, which can result in depletion of species and damage to ecosystems. In addition, the construction of tourism infrastructure, such as lodges, trails, and roads, can further fragment wildlife habitats and lead to loss of biodiversity.

To address these issues, it is important that wildlife tourism be managed in a sustainable and responsible manner. This includes implementing regulations and guidelines for tourism operators, raising public awareness about the impacts of wildlife tourism, and supporting research and conservation efforts to protect wildlife and their habitats.

In conclusion, while wildlife tourism has the potential to bring economic benefits, it also has significant impacts on wildlife and ecosystems. It is crucial that this industry be managed in a sustainable and responsible manner to minimize negative impact, protect the environment and wildlife, and ensure the long-term viability of this industry.


1. What are the economic benefits of wildlife tourism?
2. What are the negative impacts of wildlife tourism on wildlife and ecosystems?
3. What is the potential risk of disease transmission in wildlife tourism?
4. What factors can lead to overexploitation of wildlife resources?
5. How can wildlife tourism be managed in a sustainable and responsible manner?





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