
小站整理2014-11-18 10:11:46



The author of the V. I. Warshawski novels, most recently "Critical Mass," was hugely influenced by "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man": "I felt as though I'd fallen into words and wanted to drown in them."


What books are currently on your night stand?


I'm trying hard to read Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" but keep returning to fiction. Right now: John Williams's "Stoner," Claude Izner's "Strangled in Paris."


Who is your favorite novelist of all time? And your favorite novelist writing today?


I don't have an all-time favorite. There are books I reread or wish I'd written. I love the Victorians: Elizabeth Gaskell, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, in that order. I loved "Gilead" and "Wolf Hall," which is a staggering achievement. I reread Barbara Pym and Jane Austen and my old detective favorites when I'm stressed out.


Who are your favorite writers of detective fiction?


Margery Allingham among the classics. Peter Dickinson, Dorothy Salisbury Davis, Dorothy Hughes.


Which do you consider the best detective stories of all time, and why?


Anna Katharine Green, for defining the consulting detective for the 19th century; Wilkie Collins, for playing with the form and transforming it; Dashiell Hammett, for reinventing the form for the 20th century; the Holmes oeuvre, for making detective fiction popular in both Great Britain and America; Amanda Cross and Lillian O'Donnell, for opening the door that enabled Marcia Muller, Linda Barnes, Sue Grafton and me to challenge the form in new ways.


What makes a good detective novel?


Believable characters first, a good story, an understanding of how to pace dramatic action. I like commitment by a writer, to the form, to the story — there are lots of slick writers of crime fiction who aren't writing out of passion, but for the market. They write good English sentences, but for me, the lack of commitment makes them uninteresting.


Of the books you've written, which is your favorite?


My books all have different strengths and weaknesses, but if I had to choose, I'd pick "Hardball." It's very personal because the back story is in the civil rights movement in Chicago in the 1960s. That's when I first came here, working as a volunteer on the city's extremely turbulent South Side.


You earned a Ph.D. in history from the University of Chicago. Do you still enjoy reading history? Who are your favorite historians to read?


Richard Hofstadter was a great stylist; 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of his "Paranoid Style in American Politics," which is as insightful a dissection of our country today as it was when he first published it. My dissertation dealt with the 19th-century roots of fundamentalism in America. I read a fair amount of natural history as background — Darwin, some of the early geologists, a lot of the moral philosophers. I still like to read natural history — Neil Shubin's "Your Inner Fish" is also on my night stand.







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