
小站整理2016-02-15 16:51:26


本文雅思口语高频话题:internet。对于这个链接了世界,将地球变成了一个村的事物,它的优点同它的缺点一样鲜明。首先,让我们一起来聊一聊互联网给我们带来的苦恼,举其一:Spam Mail(垃圾邮件)

Spamming is the sending of unwanted and useless emails to random people. These emails obstruct the recipient needlessly. They are illegal and can cause frustration because they make it hard for people to access their email accounts. Bots are used to bombard your inbox with endless advertisements. This is quite perplexing as it always gets mixed up with important emails. Luckily, most email service providers have a security system in place to prevent spam emails from going to your inbox. All emails that are deemed suspicious get their email ID or IP address blocked or sent to the Spam folder.


1、行走短信族(低头族):the petextrian

边走边发短信的人: texting pedestrian

2、在街头穿梭: weaving down the street

3、Trip 做动词:to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almostfall 例:trip on a curb 撞到马路牙子

4、造成危险:present a danger

5、Combat (雅思重要词汇):fighting,especially during a war

战胜寂寞 combat loneliness

6、Keep thevolume low 把声音调小

7、Ambient 周遭的(雅思高分词) you can hear ambient noise around you


Easy Sharing 容易分享

Thanks to the internet, sharing information is fast and seamless. If you want to tell your 30 friends about your latest promotion, you can do so in an instant. You can use social media sites such as Facebook or an IM app. They will all get the news at the same time. You can also share music, videos and any other file.

由于互联网,使得分享信息变得快速且无缝。如果你想告诉你的30个朋友关于你的最新的促销信息,你可以在瞬间做到。你可以使用社交网站如脸书或者IM app。这些网站将会同时接收最新的讯息。你也可以分享音乐、视频以及其他材料。

Inan instant瞬间 Online Services and E-commerce 在线服务与电子商务

Today it is possible to carry out financial transactions online. You can transfer funds,pay taxes and utility bills or book movie tickets over the internet in the comfort of your office or home.


The growth ofe-commerce has made it possible for people to shop for most things online. This hasseen the emergence of retail giants such as Amazon, Ebay andAlibaba. They sell consumer goods globally. Such a feat was virtually impossible before the internet.


Utility bills水电费


In the comfort of (雅思高分词组)在舒适里

例:Now you can watch your favorite movies in the comfort of your own home.

Emergence of : when something begins to be known or noticed

例:the emergence of Japan as a world leader.






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