雅思9分口语素材大搜集:童年之favourite memory

小站教育2015-05-13 15:13:25

摘要:今天的雅思口语素材是关于童年的。大多数人的童年的大多数时间,是美好的,是会在成年之后被多多少少romanticise的。无怪乎许多长不大的old kids,wish to relive their childhood again.

关于童年的满满回忆,全部原汁原味的口语语段,通篇的雅思满分口语。大多数人的童年的大多数时间,是美好的,是会在成年之后被多多少少romanticise的。无怪乎许多长不大的old kids,wish to relive their childhood again.


1. 农场生活farm life


I loved childhood. With the exception of not being able to eat cookie dough whenever I wanted (an indulgence I submit to as an adult), it was fun. I’m a kid still, except now I have to act grown-up.
My fondest memories were going to my grandparents’ house. They bought an old farm in Michigan when my mom about 8. They had animals, and orchard, a barn and lots of land. No crops though.
My grandpa was an accountant but a farmer in his blood. He grew up with 11 brothers and sisters, on a farm, and knew everything about land, animals, plants, gardening and weather. And what he didn’t know, he made up. Grandma put up with it without complaining.
By the time my siblings and I came around, the animals were gone, but the land, the barn, and the orchard were still there. They lived about an hour from us so we went there a lot.
On rainy days we played all the indoor games in the big farmhouse. Or read their comic collection from the 1960s. (Which, I’m sorry to say, we did not leave in pristine shape.) Grandma made dough and other snacks, my sister helping her because again, I ate then. I did puzzles with grandpa.
They had one bathtub, no shower. You had to use a cup to wash your hair. And the water was vile well-water. I hated drinking it.
Most of the time though, we played outside. In the barn (until it collapsed), in the orchard, getting stomach aches from eating too many apples, and running around on trails that grandpa mowed with his tracker. He walked around with berries and nuts in his hand and scattered them as he went, he said he was ‘getting new plants to grow.’
He’d walk with us, tell us what everything was, and pointed out footprints that he swore were bears.
One time we made a sumac fort. It took all weekend. I don’t remember playing in the fort…but making it was fun as hell.
The remnants of the structure were still there when my grandparents finally moved out of the house, more than 10 years later.
One time I left my favorite stuffed animal at their house and I was inconsolable. Until Grandma wrote me a letter, from my bear, telling me what a good time she was having and how she was ‘helping grandma by eating cookie dough.’ I still have the letter.
When they moved to a smaller place, the farmhouse was torn down to make room for a nearby school to expand their playground. Although that hasn’t happened yet.
I went back to the property a few years ago, it is entirely overgrown. Hard to tell where anything used to be. No apple trees, house, or barn rubble. It is sad that nothing of the farm exists, but somehow I can’t help thinking that grandpa would be glad it has grown back. Back to from where it came.
My grandparents are very much alive and kicking. We still do puzzles. I saw Grandpa at Spring festival and he told me about different types of potatoes and how to grow them. And Grandma told me (again) about the time I asked her why rabbit droppings were so round.
I credit roaming those fields and forests with making me an introvert, and lover of nature.

2.童年伙伴A little girl's best friend...


His name was Kurock, he was a sweet Doberman with a heart of gold.

My childhood was a nightmare with a few bright spots. This amazing dog was one of them.
Kurock slept in my bed and kept me warm on cold winter nights. We sought each other out when the house was loud with angry adults. I snuck him extra "people' food when we were out of dog food. Children and dogs were not priorities...
We spent a great deal of time wandering in the woods, watching birds,squirrels and looking for something better than what was occurring in our home.
Years after he passed away I would find his short black hairs embedded in my blanket fibers.
I still miss him 37 years later...

3.苦中看乐 mother when still alive


It's hard to pick one. Pain is a really great way to juxtapose the joy in life. Because of that, I have to begin with the pain of having my mother die when I was 11 years old. This highlights the really important reason to cherish the joys of life. They're fleeting and important. It's why I get all "soap-boxy" when I hear people complain about fighting with their parents. It's such a waste of valuable time.
When I was a kid my grandfather had a lovely boat on Lake Erie . We used to take his boat up to the islandsin the summer time for day trips. The early Summer of 1986, just before my mother was killed in a car accident, we went up to the Bay. I remember sitting on a  restaurant with my family and talking to my dad. I remember the wind blowing through my mother's hair and seeing her laugh at something someone said. It's one of those crystal moments burned in my brain for some reason.
My mother's cheer was contagious. Her laugh made other people laugh hysterically. She was generally a prankster; very upbeat. I remember being stunned by her beauty at that moment and looking at my dad and saying, "Dad, mom is so beautiful," and him smiling back at me, saying, "Yes she is. Now you know why I married her." Later that day, my father must have giddily told her what I said because she whispered in my ear, "I think you're beautiful too."
They're one of only a handful of words spoken during three different instances that I can actually remember with reasonable clarity. Everything else has faded with time. I try to think about that day as much as possible. That had to be one of the best moments of my childhood.

4. 特别的生日礼物 birthday present


My parents are wonderful and I have lots of happy memories, but one of my favorites was probably my 5th birthday (I think).
We had recently moved to Mobile, AL, and I didn't have a lot of friends yet. Our house was filled with cardboard boxes as my parents unpacked household goods. I expected a little birthday party with a few Sunday school friends, but my parents invited the entire neighborhood and Sunday school class for a backyard party.
They spent all night assembling the cardboard boxes into a castle in the backyard, complete with a drawbridge, turrets, windows and doors that opened and closed, and a dragon drawn with sharpie by my very artistic dad. The castle was huge... in my memory, it covers almost the entire yard, with enough tunnels and courtyards and towers for 30 kids at a time. It was also a complete surprise! They did the entire thing after my little brother and I had gone to bed, cutting and taping and drawing by flashlight.

5.动物园奇观 zoo


There's one memory that stands out among the rest.

It was the first time I had ever gone to a zoo, it was a fairly big one and I was in heaven. At the time the thoughts of animal cruelty were far off in my mind, so I was free to explore in complete wonder. I loved the bears rolling in the sprinklers, the wolves that would run up and down their enclosure while I did at the fence.
Then there were the tigers, they were oddly social little buggers, all except for one. I watched a man and his girlfriend standing there watching him.
"You alright there buddy," he asked the lazing tiger. There was a slight shifting, a sort of bestial acknowledgement. The man continued, "lady troubles eh?"
The tiger stood, stretching, it's body a fluid mass of muscle. Subtly, almost without notice, it raised it's leg and shot a steaming stream of piss like a laser directly at the guy daring to speak of his love life. In my life I've seen many impressive things, but that jet of urine will forever be the most awe inspiring.
With a shift of the hips the man dodged the impending torrent. Laughing, he said, "note to self, don't question the tigers love life."
The man walked off and the tiger slipped deeper into the enclosure, neither knowing I would treasure that moment for the rest of my life.

6. 钓鱼野营 fishing and go camping


My grandfather was always willing to include the grand kids on his fishing and remote camping trips to Moose Head Lake in Maine.
The one criteria was we had to be able to fend for ourselves. No babies or little kids. No whining or crying.
I believe the first time I went with him I was 9 years old.
These trips were the equivalent of a "get out of jail free card".
I escaped my parents and childhood/family drama. It was heavenly.
1979 in the areas we camped at were REMOTE. I remember a single battered and moldy wooden out-house in the woods, a few abandoned camp fire rings and one minuscule cabin across the lake.
It was rare to see other campers. I am not sure we were even camping legally.
We would take old milk plastic gallon jugs, trim off the top, leaving on the handle. Off we would go picking wild Maine blueberries. Eating far more than we picked.
Those small sweet and tart berries were divine.
I learned to fly fish with my grandfather and even caught a few trout when I wasn't goofing off.



When I was about 7 or so, I needed new sneakers. So my mom and I went to the department store and found some shoes that fit. They were really cool, and I mean really cool. Puffy, velour textured, and with two straps across the top, not one. That's how cool they were. They came in three colors - navy, red, and green. I fell in love with the green ones and told my mom those were the ones I wanted.
Now at that time, I went to private school and our school colors were navy, red, and black. These shoes were the ones I'd be wearing to school. So my mom asked me, "Don't you want the navy or red ones instead? They'll match your uniform."
I had a heart stopping moment when I was afraid my mom would make me buy the navy or red ones, because let me tell you, I loved the green ones.
"No, Mom, I really want the green ones."
She bought me the green ones. They clashed with my uniform horribly.
I loved those shoes. And I love my mom.



My first visit to the cockpit of an aircraft when I was 7 years old.
This was during that time when they allowed kids into the cockpit for a brief tour. I still remember it was a cockpit of Airbus 300 (Indian Airlines). 30 minutes after takeoff, a flight attendant guide me into the cockpit (Captain was a family friend and knew we were on board his flight).
As soon as I entered, with the blue sky and all the analog instruments and buttons, I was thoroughly amazed by the complexity of that area of the aircraft. The other pilot was busy with his procedures and the captain was explaining me the instruments, which I conveniently failed to understand and forgot. Since I was a kid, I also quite didn't understand to whom the other pilot was talking to as well (ATC on radio), but I ignored and concentrated on the captain.
Perhaps this experience was the one that laid the foundation of my love for aviation.


I remember Legos. My father bought me a huge castle set when I was 5 or 6, for my birthday. I remember unwrapping the big box, and then opening the tiny little packets all the pieces came in. I remember constantly looking at all those little pieces and then the picture on the box, and thinking "I can make that!?" I followed the instructions meticulously, and after a few days, I ended up with a castle (almost; a mischievous little neighbour girl stole some of those transparent green round things). I was very proud of it. So were my parents. They put it on display and everything. And I forgot about it.One day, when I was bored, many months later, a thought struck me. I didn't have to make that castle the way that book told me to. I could make a different castle! Hell, I could make a not-castle, if I wanted to! I promptly tore it down and started doing random things with the pieces. A lot of it was crap. Sometimes it was really cool. But it was fun. So much fun, in fact, that I play with Legos to this day. I don't know if I "cherish" this memory or not. But I'm sure glad I have it.
For those of you who don't mind eschewing literal truth in exchange for a good story, imagine that after the castle was put on display and I forgot about it, it was my next birthday, and I get all excited for my new present, and my father, instead, dusts off the castle and hands it to me. I look at it confused, and then at him. I say "but I already finished playing with it!" And he would say, with a twinkle in his eye, "How about putting the dungeon on top of the tower this time?" And then I'd suddenly realise what he meant and I'd have oodles of fun redesigning the castle and the rest, as they say, would be history.



When I was little my dad would bring different food items on his way home. It wasn't everyday, but often enough that it was fun digging into his bag to see if and what he had brought that day. Sometimes it was burgers, sometimes fruits, sometimes Chinese takeout, it could be anything. But it always tasted good maybe because we didn't know what to expect and the anticipation increased the appreciation.


1.Staring into the night sky, telling stories and updating each other how the day went.

2.When I was a kid, I lived in a apartment where my bed used to be right next to a window. For some days every month, I would fall asleep admiring a beautiful full moon. Those nights were the best.

3. Learning to play cards with my grandad (and accidentally learning how to count, add and subtract). I thought I was great at cards, but of course he was letting me win.

4.Playing with the huge pile of construction sand, left over in the back after they finished building the house

5. Going to the beach, (we only lived about 40 mins from the sea) with the inner tube off the big wheel of a tractor.

6.Going for rides on tractors, diggers, combine harvesters, whatever was around.

7.Letting a calf suck your hand.

8.Finding out my school had burnt down. (the joy didn't last long, we only got two measly days off and then we were bussed to the freezing cold community center in the next village.)

9.One memory that is deeply embedded in my mind is me making and paper boats with my brother whenever the rain flooded roads.

10.Knocking on Random Doors and Running

11.Climbing Trees

12.Getting Wet and muddy in Rain

13.Making Paper Boats

14.Blowing Bubbles


I remember falling asleep on couch every night and to my surprise I always found myself waking up in bed

It practically took me years to find out 'TELEPORT-ing MACHINE.'!

The freedom, brilliant weather and wonderful geography of where I lived, along with trusting parents and great friends allowed my childhood to be an adventure, a time with few possessions but plenty of imagination, a time of immense happiness.






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