

题型1 :投诉信
1 You are going to make a complaint to a CD player store. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter 1) describe what happened to you 2) tell the manager how you want to be compensated
【首段】投诉光盘播放机 【二段】三个问题 【三段】保修过程很艰难 【尾段】对产品和服务都不满意要求全额退款
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you to complain about the CD player which I bought in your store in January. After only two days, things started to go wrong. The first problem was the CD drawer, which opened and closed too quickly. I nearly trapped my fingers in it. The next day, I recorded a CD onto a cassette. Everything
2 Letter-Broken microwave oven You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken. Write a letter to the shop manager. In your letter 1. describe the problem with the equipment 2. explain what happened when you phoned the shop 3. say what you would like the manager to do.
【首段】投诉微波炉以及糟糕的售后服务 【二段】新买的微波炉不能加热食物 【三段】售后服务部门迟迟没有回复 【四段】要求全额退款 【尾段】期待回复
Dear sir or madam, I am writing to let you know that, as your customer, I am not satisfied with the equipment sold in your shop as well as the after-sales service. I bought a new microwave oven four days ago in your shop, but after trying for several times back home, the equipment was not working as it claimed to be. The food in
题型2 :道歉信
1 Letter-Damaging borrowed You have borrowed something from your friend for a party, but it was damaged during the party Write a letter to your friend and say: What was it? How was it damaged? What will you do about it?
【首段】非常感谢你把吊床借给我们办沙滩派对 【二段】但很抱歉我们玩过了把吊床弄坏了 【三段】会买一个新的吊床还给你 【尾段】非常抱歉,希望你能理解
Hi Jack, How are you? I hope you are well. I would like to thank you again for lending me your hammock for our beach party last weekend. It was a great a party and it’s a shame you couldn’t make it. Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you. Some of the gu
题型3 :感谢信
1 Letter-Appreciating teacher for teaching English You have just finished a short English course in an English-speaking country. You are back home, and you find yourself like one of the teachers very much. Write a letter to the teacher. In your letter 1. express thanks to your teacher 2. give reasons why you want to thank him/her 3. tell him/her what you plan to do next
【首段】非常感谢你教学时的耐心和投入 【二段】我一开始很不自信,现在口语突飞猛进 【三段】现在可以和外国人交流交朋友 【尾段】非常感谢你的善意和帮助
Dear Ms. Smith, I am writing this letter to thank you for teaching me English this summer in Australia. Before I attended your language training course, I was deeply worried that I would not be able to speak fluent English. So I really appreciate that your patience and dedication during these two months have greatly improved my Englis
题型4 :建议信
1 You have finished management course. You want to give some suggestions about the course. Write a letter to the director. In your letter 1) describe what your opinion about the course is 2) tell the director what your suggestion is
【首段】我曾是您的学生,我对课程有一些建议 【二段】管理课程整体不错,尤其是推荐的书籍非常有用 【三段】但是讲师太年轻没有经验,没有办法理论联系实际 【尾段】期待改进
Dear Mr. Clinton, I hope that this unintended letter would not surprise you. I used to study in your school, and this letter is basically concerned about some courses I had been through. It is too bad some problems occurred. Otherwise, I was very satisfied with my learning experience there. The management course is generally satisfactory. I have been especially impressed with t
2 Letter-Suggestion for visiting in Beijing A British friend of yours who is learning your language is coming to visit you and planning to stay for one month. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter 1. tell him/her where you plan to take him/her 2. give him/her suggestions on how to learn the language 3. tell him/her what he/she needs to bring
【首段】很高兴马上能在北京相见 【二段】会带他去紫禁城颐和园长城鸟巢和水立方 【三段】想要提高中文就要多和人们交流,多听中央电视台主持人说话 【四段】秋天穿短袖即可,穿方便走路的鞋子 【尾段】期待早日回复
Dear Richard, I am very glad to see you in Beijing soon! It would be a good opportunity for you to try out your Chinese language. I have made a perfect visiting list for you so that your trip in Beijing will definitely be fruitful. We firstly visit the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace which are the symbol of the ancient Chines
题型5 :挂失信
1 You have just spent a weekend staying at the Lilo Hotel in Adelaide. When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel.. In your letter 1) describe when you stayed in the hotel 2) describe the bag you left 3) ask for contact from the hotel
【首段】居住在旅馆的时间和房间号码,到家的时候发现包落在那里了 【二段】包的外形以及内在物品 【三段】请尽早联系我,我会支付一定费用以表感谢 【尾段】非常感谢帮助
Dear Mr. Simpson, I stayed in your hotel on the 23rd and 24th of October. I was in Room 603. When I arrived home, I discovered that I had left one of my bags at the hotel. Could you please check your Lost and Found Department and see if my bag is there? The bag is a small black leather, docum
2 Last week you were on a flight to London. Unfortunately, when you left the plane, you left a bag. You did not remember about the bag until you got to your hotel. Write a letter to the airline. Explain what has happened, describe the bag and its contents and say what you would like them to do about it.
【首段】包落在飞机上了,报出飞机航班号以及座位号 【二段】包的外形以及内在物品 【尾段】留下联系方式,非常感谢帮助
Dear Sir, I am writing in connection with a bag that I left on one of your planes. Last week on Tuesday 4th May I came to London on flight ABC from New York. My seat number was R5. The plane arrived late at night and I was tired. As a result when I got home, I remembered that I ha




