
小站整理2023-04-24 10:51:40


1. 官方网站:到雅思官网上搜索样卷和试题,里面包括了各种不同主题的作文样本。这些作文范文都是经过专业人员审核过的,是一份很好的参考。

2. 网络资源:搜索关于雅思作文的博客和网站,有很多网站上都有大量的雅思写作范文,与其他考生分享。例如IELTS Liz、EssayForum 等。

3. 考试辅导书:各种雅思考试辅导书中,一般会有范文及点评,反复练习这些写作范文,你会逐渐感受到写作技巧和语法点,对提高考试分数很有帮助。

4. 找老师或朋友:询问有经验的人员或老师,他们可以向你提供一些好的写作范文,给你一些有指导性的建议。

5. 听取建议:在雅思考试写作过程中,每一篇文章都会有不足之处,可以通过听取老师或者朋友的建议得到提高。同时,还可以借鉴他们的范文,将自己的作文逐渐改善




题目:Some people think that children should be taught to give their opinion on music and art, others believe they should be taught to appreciate it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Some individuals believe that it is important to teach children to give their opinion on music and art, while others argue that it is more important to teach them how to appreciate it. In this essay, I will discuss both views and offer my own perspective. On the one hand, teaching children to express their opinion on music and art can be beneficial in a number of ways. First, it allows them to develop critical thinking skills and the ability to assess the value of a work of art or piece of music. This is useful not only as a hobby or pastime, but in many careers where analytical thinking is required. Additionally, being able to offer an informed opinion on music and art can be a useful tool for social interaction and personal expression. On the other hand, teaching children to appreciate music and art can be just as important. It allows them to develop a deep understanding and appreciation for these forms of expression, and can enrich their lives in many ways. Appreciating the complexities of music and art can be a source of joy and fulfillment in life, and can help children to develop a sense of empathy and understanding of different cultures and experiences. In my opinion, a balance of both approaches is ideal. Children should be taught to express their opinion on music and art, while also being encouraged to appreciate it. It is possible to teach both critical thinking and appreciation in a way that is complementary and beneficial to each other.




Questions: 1. What is the topic of the essay? 2. What are the two different viewpoints presented in the essay? 3. What are the benefits of teaching children to express their opinion on music and art? 4. What are the benefits of teaching children to appreciate music and art? 5. What is the author's opinion on the topic and how is it presented in the essay?






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