2018g类雅思书信小作文范文 解释信:写给将住进来的朋友

小站整理2018-04-11 13:53:34


g类雅思考生大约占总雅思总考生的20%,但是在受重视程度上,g类雅思是远远低于a类雅思的。很多g类考生在呐喊:好的g类资料在哪里。小站雅思小编浪迹全网,为大家搜集整理了一波9分级雅思g类书信小作文范文。本文主题解释信:写给将住进来的朋友(是一个要鸠占鹊巢的朋友!),共187词,band 9,为informal文体。继续看考官的经典5段套路:导语+3主体+结语。可学可收藏。



You are about to go on vacation for a month. A friend from another town will come and stay in your apartment.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter

• explain where your friend can get the key to the apartment

• give your friend some instructions about using your apartment

• recommend some places to go


Dear John,

I hope you're well and looking forward to your stay at my place. I'm just writing to tell you a few things that you'll need to know.

The first thing you'll need to do is pick up the keys from one of my neighbours. Just pop round to number 10 any time after 5pm and ask for Sarah. She'll be expecting you, and she'll tell you which key is which.

If the weather gets a bit warmer, you might want to turn the heating off. Just open the cover on the boiler in the kitchen and look for the "on/off' switch. You can also open the windows using one of the keys,but please shut them if you go out.

The only other thing to tell you is that there'll be a festival in the town centre during the second week of your visit. It would definitely be worth checking out. And don't forget to go to that restaurant I told you about - it's called 'The Grill' and it's just across the street.

Enjoy your stay, and look after the flat!

See you soon


以上就是小编为大家带来的《2018g类雅思书信小作文范文 解释信:写给将住进来的朋友》的全部内容,雅思g类小作文范文来之不易,望广大烤鸭且用且珍惜。祝2018年,所有的Ieltser与雅思一战分手。






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