2018g类雅思书信小作文范文 解释信:写给课程老师

小站整理2018-04-11 13:44:38

摘要:为广大烤鸭分享市面上较少的精华g类雅思Task1书信写作范文。为前考官simon所作,简洁清晰。本篇话题- 解释信:写给课程老师 (我没有时间再去上课了),全文共167词,实力9分。可学习模仿考官的雅思g类书信小作文5段套路:导语+3主体+结语。

g类雅思考生大约占总雅思总考生的20%,但是在受重视程度上,g类雅思是远远低于a类雅思的。很多g类考生在呐喊:好的g类资料在哪里。小站雅思小编浪迹全网,为大家搜集整理了一波9分级雅思g类书信小作文范文。本文主题投诉信:解释信:写给课程老师(我没有时间与精力再去上课了),共167词,band 9,为formal文体。继续看考官的经典5段套路:导语+3主体+结语。可学可收藏。



You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you cannot continue the course. Write a letter to the course tutor. In your letter

describe the situation

explain why you cannot continue at this time

say what action you would like to take


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to continue with the part-time computer programing course.

I have been attending your evening classes for the last two months,and have enjoyed them immensely. As I stated on my course application form, I work full-time for a large IT company, and until now I have managed to fit the programing course into my schedule.

However, my company is currently on the verge of signing a contract with an important new client in China, and I am part of the team that is being sent to Beijing to negotiate terms and conditions. I will probably

be out of the country for several weeks.

I am aware that you run the same course twice a year. Rather than try to catch up when I return from China, I was wondering if it would be possible for me to join the next cohort in September.

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Jones(167)

以上就是小编为大家带来的《2018雅思g类书信小作文范文 解释信:写给课程老师》的全部内容,雅思g类小作文范文来之不易,望广大烤鸭且用且珍惜。祝2018年,所有的Ieltser与雅思一战分手。





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