
小站整理2017-12-26 16:20:31

摘要:为大家带来2017年12月16日雅思写作小作文范文。真题:The chart below shows the percentage of GDP government spending on health, education and roads&railways from 2000 to 2005 in a particular country.范文来自小站原创。

17年12月16日场雅思写作小作文题目为:The chart below shows the percentage of GDP government spending on health, education and roads&railways from 2000 to 2005 in a particular country.内容有关健康,教育及交通建设占GDP的比例。范文来自小站原创。范文如下:



The line graph compares how much a particular government did and will provide financial aid to health, education and road as well as railways within the 2000-2025 period. In 2000, this government allocated a similar amount of GDP on all of the, but since then the allocations varied, albeit to varying degrees.

The majority of GDP was spent on education before 2015 or so when its figure was equal with that of health, constituting approximately 6%. To more specific, exactly 5% GDP funded education and with the peak at up to around 7%,it enjoyed a slight growth before falling slowly until 2025 when it is estimated to hit a low at 4.2%.

There was a stable rise of no less than 7% in health by the yea 2025 and in the same year, it is predicted that the proportion of GDP expenditure on it will reach the peak at as much as nearly 7%.

With an initial drop of only 1%, road and railways, the least funded public service, saw a gradual increase to almost 5% in 2016 while the last decade will witness another marginal reduction to 3.8%.

Overall, the government sponsored slightly more on education and health than on road and railway before about 2015 but during the next decade, health will receive a little bit more financial aid.(200 words)




How much a particular government did and will 这个政府花了多少在。。。。

Albeit to varying degrees 尽管程度不同

To be more specific 具体来说

The least funded public service 资助最好的公共服务(同位语结构)

The ...period witnessed ... 某一段时间见证...趋势







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