考官g类雅思书信小作文9分范文 解释信:丢东西后写给保险公司

小站整理2017-07-03 10:57:04


相比较A类雅思作文,网络上与市面上的g类作文资料相对较少,g类书信小作文就更少,而质量上乘的就少之又少,而天下烤鸭,苦小作文久矣,迫切需要可信赖的范文的指导,所以,请看本文前考官同学的精彩演绎。本文主题解释信:丢东西后写给保险公司,共170词,band 9。考官的五段套路:客套导语+3主体+结语。请看题。


汇总传送门:17篇考官亲笔g类雅思小作文集结 9分云集

On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter

describe the item you lost

explain how you lost it

tell the insurance company what you would like them to do


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to make an insurance claim for an item that I lost while on holiday last week.

The item is a wristwatch that I inherited from my grandfather. Both the watch strap and the face are made of gold, and the watch is worth a considerable amount of money. It also has great sentimental value.

I believe that I must have left the watch on the beach in front of the hotel where I was staying. I did return to search for it, but I can only assume that it was either covered in sand or that it had been washed out to sea.

I took out comprehensive travel insurance with your company, and my contract states that all lost items are covered. I would therefore ask that you review the attached information regarding the estimated value of the watch, and that you process my claim as quickly as possible.

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jones(170)






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