考官g类雅思书信小作文9分范文 答复信:针对朋友的工作offer

小站整理2017-07-03 10:42:07


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汇总传送门:17篇考官亲笔g类雅思小作文集结 9分云集

One of your friends has asked you to be a partner in his new business. Write a letter to reply to your friend's offer. In your letter

give your opinion of your friend's business idea

tell him whether or not you have decided to accept his offer

and explain your reasons for this decision.


Dear John,

I hope you're well. Thanks for giving me some time to think about your business proposal.

First, let me just say that I think it would be a great idea to open a café on the high street.It definitely makes sense since there are no other cafés in the area.

Having said that, I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn your offer down. I've thought long and hard about this decision, and I just dont think it's the right time for me to get involved with a big project like this.

To be honest, I would struggle to find enough money to cover my share of the initial investment costs. Also, I don't really want to leave my current job, and I think it would be impossible for me to commit to

the café project while I'm still working full-time.

Best of luck with the café. I'm sure you'll make a success of it without me!

Speak soon






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