
小站教育2017-02-21 14:21:08



You recently started an evening class, but you cannot attend all the classes

Write a letter to the institution of your class . In your letter:

describe classes you attended

explain why you cannot attend all the classes

describe what you want the institution to do

Sample answer:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you about some changes of my curriculum in your institution.

Last December, I enrolled in a drawing course which lasts for four months. Until now, I have learnt the foundation knowledge and skills of painting such as the functions of various paintbrushes and the way to mix pigment of different colors. Besides, I am able to sketch a view of hills and a person. I am satisfied with the teaching from Teacher Wang who is patient with modifying my painting and always gives me encouragements.

Unfortunately, I could not attend the remaining classes due to the job transfer. This Monday, I received an email from the general manager, saying that I am assigned to assist the department manager in our new branch company in Kyoto. I have to leave at the end of this month so I am afraid I cannot finish the whole course.

I am wondering whether you could refund the fees of the classes that I have not attended. I wish you could understand my situation and give me a replay promptly.

Yours Sincerely


(188 words)






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