
小站教育2017-02-14 11:22:43


Task:The chart below shows the percentage of adults not doing physical exercise in Australia in 2005.

Sample answer:

The bar chart illustrates the data for females and males who did not take physical exercise in Australia in the year of 2005.

From the chart, we can see that the older the males were, the less of them preferred to do exercise, with the figure increasing from 25% to 55%. In comparison, the similar proportion of 35-64-year-old females ( 35%) did not take exercise.

Regarding to the distinction between percentage of males and females, it is obvious that more males liked to do sports when they were 18-34 years old as well as over 65. At their 35-44 years old, the same number of males and females dislike physical exercise. As the rise of their age between 45 and 64 years old, females developed more interested in exercise.

Overall, it can be seen that young people aged from 18-24 took more physical exercise. On the contrary, the least of old people aged over 65 did exercise.

(157 words)






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