
小站教育2016-08-23 14:35:29

摘要:8月20日雅思G类考试小作文要求写一封建议信:Recently you read a book about a place. Some information about the place is incorrect.我们来看一篇小站老师的范文!

Task:Recently you read a book about a place. Some information about the place is incorrect.

You need to write:

Why/how do you know this place?

What is the incorrect information?

Why it is important to correct the wrong information?


Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing this letter to point out two mistakes I found in a book named Paradise On Earth—Suzhou published by your company.

The book introduces many famous places of interests and tourist attractions in Suzhou, however, there are two obvious mistakes I must tell you.

Suzhou is not far away from my hometown, about one hour train distance and it is a famous tourist city in China. I’ve been there many times since I was a child. I can say that I’m quite familiar with this city.

One mistake was in the preface, in which Suzhou is described as a city famous for its museums, but in fact, Suzhou is an ancient town famous for its historic architectures, to be precise, classic gardens.

Another mistake is that the name of the lake in Suzhou is supposed to be Taihu, but written as Xihu, a famous lake in Hangzhou. The description of the lake is right but the name is totally wrong, which means the content and the name does not match.

I strongly suggest that you correct these two pieces information on the book as they misguide tourists and may cause visitors’ disappointment. For example, for those who have great interest in traditional Chinese buildings, they will miss the beautiful city of Suzhou because they are told that this city is famous for museums. And for those who are attracted by Xihu Lake will be disappointed to find out this is not the lake they are looking for.

If you have any further questions about Suzhou, please feel free to discuss with me. Looking forward to your reply and amendments.

Kind regards,


(276 words)







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