
小站教育2016-08-23 14:00:46

摘要:分享小站老师写的8月20日雅思写作的小作文参考范文。本次小作文考的是一道柱状图:The graph shows that the tourist from various countries in New Zealand use different transport to travel. (air, coach, car, ferry).来看范文!

Task:The graph shows that the tourist from various countries in New Zealand use different transport to travel. (air, coach, car, ferry)


The histogram demonstrates how the travelers from the five nations tour in New Zealand by the four transportation modes.

European countries seem to share the same pattern. Both British and Germans prefer car above all, and then ferry, air and coach in order. More than 60% British would like to travel by car while that figure for Germans is about 48%. The least popular transportation means is coach, with only 18% advocates in both countries.

In contrast, Asians differ greatly, though Japanese, Koreans, and Australians profess a similar violent distaste for ferry with under 10% passengers in the three countries. While as many as 60% Japanese favor airplane as the transportation mode, only 28% Koreans and Australians would follow the example. Land transportation reveals a mixed picture, with coach accepted by 60% Japanese but below 10% Australians, and with car picked by under one third of the former but half of the latter.

In sum, car is the most favorite means while ferry appears to be the least supported one, especially by the three Asian countries.

(176 words)







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