
小站教育2016-08-02 11:18:25

摘要:7月30日雅思G类小作文要求写一份道歉信,真题如下:Last month, you went on a trip to another city. You had arrangements with a friend who lives in the city, but you had problems and were unable to meet him/her.我们来看小站老师的范文!

Task:Last month, you went on a trip to another city. You had arrangements with a friend who lives in the city, but you had problems and were unable to meet him/her.

Write a letter to apologize to him/her. In your letter:

Apologize not having met him/her

Explain why were unable to meet him/her

Make arrangements for future meetings


Dear Yolanda,

I’m writing this letter to apologize for not having met you in Shanghai last month. I know that you must have been disappointed. I feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.

The fact is that my manager at the last moment called and asked me to attend an emergency video conference while I could not get to a phone to call you beforehand. The meeting lasted for the whole afternoon. After the meeting, I had to stay up late to catch up on my work. Unfortunately, after I’d finished all my work, I’ve totally forgotten about our appointment.

To make up for this unpleasant matter, I would like to make another date to meet you. Next month I will go to Shanghai on business and I would like to treat you to dinner by then. I do long for a pleasant time with you!

Please accept my most cordial apology again for any inconvenient caused. I’m looking forward to your reply.

With love,


(171 words)







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