
小站教育2016-06-08 16:51:38




l 零条件句可以表示某事是普遍的真理或事实:If you own a car, you also have to pay for insurance and registration every year. 也可以表示所谈事情不再属实,就用过去时:When I was a child, if I helped my mother, she gave me extra pocket money.

l 第一条件句可以表示某事在将来会有一种可能的结果:If you leave your money in the bank, you won’t earn any interest and it may lose value over time. 如果这种可能性不大,可以用might/could/may来替代will:If I invest it, I might/could/may lose it all. 但如果这种可能性会随着时间变化,可以用can来替代will:If you travel at rush hour, the trains can be very crowded.

l 第二条件句可以表示现在或未来时间中想象的或者不太可能的情况:If I went travelling, I wouldn’t have any money left over.

l 第三条件句可以表示过去时间中想象的但是没有发生的情况:If I’d bought a second-hand car, I wouldn’t have taken out this big bank loan. 如果过去时间中想象时已经知道可能性很小,可以用might/could来替代would:If I’d saved more money, I might have gone on that college trip last week. 最后除了if以外,还有其他引出条件的其他词语。用when/as soon as/as long as,要比if的可能性大:I will give you a lift into town when/as soon as/as long as I finish my work in time. 用provided/providing that,要比if更加口语化:You won’t lose any money provided that you think of it as a long-term investment. 而用In case,可以表示预防:You should keep this reference number in case there are any problems.


l 主语代词用在动词前面:I you he she it we they;宾语代词用在动词或介词后面:me you him her it us them;物主代词用在指代物主限定词和名词:mine yours his hers ours theirs;反身代词用在主语和宾语一致或者强调主语和宾语:myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves。

l 了解完基本知识以后,考生还需要知道一些特殊情况。

首先,It可以作没有实质意义的主语用在句首,这些句子通常关于天气时间和距离:It’s raining/five o’clock/10 km from the sea. It也可以作形式主语用在句首,指代动词不定式和ing形式:It won’t take long to settle in. 其次,you and we可以指代广义上的每个人:In China you/we often eat sandwiches for lunch. 此外,they可以指代专家或权威机构:They have changed the law recently. 最后,one/ones可以避免可数名词重复使用:I do have rules. The most important one is that I want to everyone to feel at home.


l 首先题目可以用as+形容词/副词+as表示相同或相似:Older athletes are as likely to achieve their peak fitness as younger athletes. 其次题目还可以用not as many/much +名词表示差异:There aren’t as many people doing sports at school (as there used to be). 最后题目可以用倍数和副词来特定化信息:China won nearly twice/three times as many silver medals as the US.







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