
互联网2016-05-30 14:54:50

摘要:5月28日的雅思大作文考题是:New parents should attend parenting courses to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?新晋父母应该参加育儿课程,学习如何抚养孩子。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?​来看这篇7分范文!

Nowadays, many people think that parents should take a parenting course to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




父母是否应该去参加一个关于孩子教育的课程(a parenting course)? 参加这样的课程对于孩子教育是否非常重要?对于这样的问题,我们的答案可能yes,也可能no,如果是yes, 那原因无外乎是这样的课程可以教会父母如何培养孩子,发现孩子的才能,同时在这样的课程中,父母还可以与其他人交流从而获得教育孩子的经验,等等。如果是no,那原因无外乎孩子教育中,最重要的不是理论,而是实践,父母应该通过亲身示范才会教育好孩子,同时,参加这样的课程既浪费时间,同时又浪费金钱,不如多些时间陪伴孩子,多些金钱给孩子购买阅读的书籍,等等。

Sample answer:

A parenting course is one designed to help parents understand how to bring up their children in a better way. While many people think such a course is extremely useful, I think it is of very little use, if not at all, to parents who wish to give their children a better future.

In the first place, attending a parenting course is valuable to parents only in theory, but not in practice. Such a course usually tells the parents why they should do this and avoid doing that. For instance, parents are often told to let their children voice their opinions publicly, or encourage their children to follow certain rules and regulations. But as we know, bringing up a child is never so easy as remembering some set principles. It is a far more tricky and delicate undertaking. As each child is a unique case, the parents actually have nobody, not to mention any universal rule, to depend on but their own judgements and understanding. Pushing a child shy in nature to speak themselves out in public is no good, and making a child with a highly original mind follow others is like dampening their talents.

Additionally, taking a parenting course is sometimes costly in time and money. Normally, parents have to spend more than 100 hours on such a course, but this time could just as well be spent taking the child to the park or working together with the child towards the solution to a certain interesting problem. The more time parents spend with their children, the better upbringing the children may have. If the parents have to pay much money for a parenting course, then their children are sacrificed one more time: the books their parents buy for them with the money may never be bought now because their parents have spent the money on some stupid parenting course.

In my view, the parents take a parenting course due to laziness or a lack of confidence. They do not want to go into the life of their children but want to be told some "truths" about bringing up children; they do not believe in themselves but rather in books and what others tell them. A parenting course is thus not beneficial, but detrimental to parents when upbringing their children.

(382 words)






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