
小站整理2023-11-15 14:21:20


在雅思写作中,总结段是对于整篇文章的总结和概括。对于静态图(bar chart, pie chart, table等)的总结,需要注意以下几点:

  1. 概括图表内容:在总结段的第一句话,需要用简洁的语言概括图表所表达的内容。例如,“The bar chart below shows the percentage of students in different age groups who passed the exam.”
  2. 描述趋势和比较数据:总结段需要描述图表中的趋势和数据的变化,并比较不同数据之间的差异。例如,“The chart shows that the passing rate for students aged 18-20 was significantly higher than for students aged 16-17, indicating a possible trend towards increased exam performance among older students.”
  3. 总结结论:总结段需要总结图表所反映的结论或问题,并可以适当给出建议或措施。例如,“Based on the data presented, it appears that older students are more likely to pass the exam than younger students. This suggests a need for more support and guidance for younger students to improve their exam performance.”


The pie chart below shows the percentage of different types of crimes committed in a city in 2020. According to the data, the largest proportion of crimes was theft, accounting for 40% of all reported crimes, followed by robbery at 25% and assault at 15%. There were relatively few reports of burglary and homicide, accounting for 10% and 5% of crimes respectively.

The chart clearly demonstrates that theft is the most common type of crime in the city, with a significantly higher percentage than other types of crime. Robbery and assault are also relatively common, while burglary and homicide are less frequent. This suggests that prevention and enforcement strategies should be targeted towards reducing the incidence of theft, as it is the most prevalent criminal activity in the city. Additionally, it would be useful to gather more detailed information on the specific circumstances of these crimes in order to develop more effective prevention measures.






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