
小站整理2023-05-05 14:17:18



  1. 预览地图:在听力音频开始前,一定要先看清地图上的标志物和位置。这样,你可以更好地了解你需要获取的信息,并且在听力过程中不会错过重要的信息。

  2. 注意时间和步骤:听力中会给出一系列的指导和指示。你需要准确地按照时间和步骤记录信息。如果错过了某个地点或者发生了错误,那么很容易就会影响后续答案的正确性。

  3. 注意方向:地图上的标志物很重要,但是方向往往更重要。在听力过程中,你需要细心倾听并注意方向的描述。

  4. 熟悉相关词汇:地图题需要考生了解和熟悉一些地理术语和词汇。熟练掌握这些术语和词汇,可以帮助你更快地理解和记录信息。

  5. 练习:最重要的技巧是练习。通过听取不同类型的地图题,注意强调的方向和标志物,迅速记录信息,久而久之你的技能自然会得到提高。



Map questions are a common type of question on the IELTS listening test. This type of question is quite challenging because you must be able to understand directions quickly, record information accurately, and make sound judgments based on that information. Here are a few tips to help you tackle map questions during your IELTS test:

  1. Preview the map: It is important to take a few seconds to read the map before you start listening to the audio. This will help you get a clear idea of which landmarks and locations you need to focus on and what information you need to obtain.

  2. Pay Attention to Time and Steps: During the listening test, you will hear a series of directions or instructions. Be sure to follow them in the correct order and make note of the time you need to spend at each location. If you make a mistake or miss a location, you may not be able to answer all the questions correctly.

  3. Pay Attention to Direction: While landmarks are important, directions are often more important. Pay close attention to the directions given in the listening section.

  4. Know the Relevant Vocabulary: Map questions often require knowledge of geography and other vocabulary related to maps. Make sure you are familiar with this vocabulary before the test to ensure that you can understand and respond to questions quickly and accurately.

  5. Practice: Practice is the key to conquering map questions on the IELTS listening test. Practice listening to different types of map questions, taking notes quickly, and mastering vocabulary. The more you practice, the more confident you will be on test day.

The main points of this passage are to encourage IELTS candidates to familiarize themselves with maps, pay attention to specific details, memorize key vocabulary, understand directions, and practice. Overall, this passage provides practical advice for students taking the IELTS listening test.






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