2018年4月14日雅思听力机经预测之section 2部分

小站整理2018-03-22 09:22:27

摘要:为大家带来2018年4月14日场的雅思听力机经预测之section 2部分。本预测是根据雅思听力场景及重复规律,精选出的历年雅思听力section 2部分真题及答案,供同学们备考雅思听力。包含雅思听力各场次、听力section 2部分题型、section 2部分听力内容和具体答案回忆。

2018年4月14日场的雅思听力机经预测section 2部分,请收好,4月雅思考试在即,各位考鸭迅速归位。本听力机经预测仅供考鸭们参考,如有撞题,非常荣幸。友情提示:雅思听力机经预测虽好,可不能贪多哦。各位考鸭还需根据自己的雅思备考复习周期,合理安排时间,备战雅思听力,打磨技巧,充沛词汇。各位考鸭加油。

雅思听力Section Two

雅思听力场次 2011046 20090704

雅思听力场景 求职

雅思听力题型 填空5 单选5

雅思听力内容概述 job center of compus:学校为学生提供兼职part-time job


1. Special policy applies to overseas students.

2. It will locate in the Woodside Campus.

3. The enquiry office opens till 8:10 PM.

4. The lawyer is only available on Tuesdays.

5. University Website will show the job information.


6. Where can find the latest news of new listed jobs?

A. *** B. IT faculty C. parking centre

7. Employers will visit the school

A. only in the first semester B. twice a year C. throughout the year

8. The advantage of doing part-time job:

A. does benefits to the full-time jobs in the future B. good record

C. to form the teamwork ability

9. Student salary will be

A. taxed B. paid by every week C. need to buy private insurance

10. You shall contact with the boss via (建议学生准备手机)

A. writing B. Email C. Mobile

雅思听力Section Two

雅思听力场次 20110921

雅思听力场景 其他

雅思听力题型 地图5 填空5

雅思听力内容概述 home improvement plan,商场


1. Paint Section ----bottom left

2. Kitchen Section ----middle

3. Children’s play area ----between the Cafe and the Paint Section

4. Bathroom Section ----between the Cafe and the Tool Section

5. Garden Section ----between the Tool Section and Staff


6. The attraction of Home Improvement store is(公司的优势): the low prices

7. What are the benefits of working at Home Improvement Store? (员工

最喜欢的): flexible working hours

8. The staff must promote to the customers by giving them (必须给顾客) magazine

9. What the company will offer if customers buy a new kitchen: free installation; free appliances; free delivery.

雅思听力Section Two

雅思听力场次 20120414 200908 2007

雅思听力场景 其他

雅思听力题型 填空7 配对3

雅思听力内容概述 介绍一个会所,社团


1. Hot drinks and cakes

2. 中午会提供的食物:salads

3. Parent and tutor

4. Story

5. 运动:stretching movments

6. Bring your own mat

7. 人名:Mrs. Waddell. 电话号码 667812


a. book in advance 提前预订

b. free enter 不要钱

c. pay at the door 来了交

d. pay after your finish 来了以后走时交

e. pay in advance 提前交

8. 小孩的那个-A

9. 体育的那个-C

10. Quiz 的那个-B

雅思听力Section Two

雅思听力场次 20120809 20110108

雅思听力场景 场馆介绍

雅思听力题型 填空6 单选4

雅思听力内容概述 女导游介绍电视塔


1. 集合地点:A parking place,B wait at ticket desk,C. back of the entrance

2. 天晴的时候能从塔上看到什么,选 B. HILL

3. people feel proud about the symbol B. landmark

4. 这个塔 begin to be used as 什么选 B. conference centre,接着是一张塔的图片,有 8 个左右的功能,包括 cinema,indoor,outdoor,shop,post,cafe 等


5. glass floor 玻璃地面,可以俯瞰下方

6. 有一个餐厅 restaurant,你可以吃饭休息,外面有个art gallery艺术画廊

7. 有 weather observing

8. post office 可以买卡片寄给家人

9. indoor 观景台

10. 是 cinema,在这里可以看到激动人心的 film

雅思听力Section Two

雅思听力场次 20121020 201106

雅思听力场景 其他

雅思听力题型 单选6,配对4

雅思听力内容概述 志愿者工作的种类很多,雇佣者(老板)支持,一个男的做志愿者原因是喜欢孩子,一个女的觉得干活干得和自己的工作一样起劲儿,负责准备伙食,而且可以远程进行服务,不必到现场,后来是一个流程先表示感兴趣,后来找问题,见其他志愿者。


1. 选 C. 现在的志愿者情况?C. from a wide range of backgrounds

2. 选 B. encouraged by employees

3. 选 B. take care of the kids

4. 选 C. 女孩儿叫 Reith ----- C. buy something in the supermarket

5. 选 A. 女孩儿享受志愿者工作的什么方面? A. sharing opinions with other volunteers

6. 选 C. Advantages of being a “virtual volunteer”? ----- C. no longer need to leave


申请志愿程序 Process for application:

7. 选 email personal information to 志愿者申请流程是先 email

8. 选 prepare several interviewing questions 准备几个问题

9. 选 meet other potential volunteers 和其他志愿者见面

10. 选 submit/file a formal application 提交正式申请

雅思听力Section Two

雅思听力场次 2011078 2010018 20090110

雅思听力场景 其他

雅思听力题型 填空3 单选7

雅思听力内容概述 说的是一个组织在澳大利亚机场检查违禁物之类的一些规定。


1. The main aim of the service is to A. educate people

2. The number of people working at Sydney airport is A. 410

3. Dogs are chosen because B. They stay calm.

specifically: A.have good smell B. kept clam C. easier trained

4. The number of postal items that were dealt with last year amounted to A. 52,000

5. People carrying items that are not allowed C. will be given a warning.

6. When goods carried are found with insects, they will B. be dealt with by the customs

7. A video that was checked was found with B. plant seeds







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