
小站整理2024-08-23 10:27:01


雅思口语考试中,介绍(Introduction)和采访(Interview-style questions)是常见的题型,它们要求考生在不同情境下展示自己的口语表达能力。以下分别为你提供一段介绍自己和一段模拟采访的范文,帮助你理解如何准备这两类题目。


Topic: Describe yourself in detail

Good morning/afternoon, examiner. My name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to have this opportunity to speak with you today. I am originally from [Your Hometown], a charming city/town known for its [briefly describe something famous or characteristic about your hometown, e.g., rich cultural heritage, stunning natural scenery]. Growing up there has given me a strong sense of belonging and appreciation for the diversity of life.

I am currently studying [Your Field of Study] at [Your University/College], which has been a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience. My academic journey has sparked a passion for [mention a specific aspect of your studies that interests you, e.g., exploring new technologies, understanding human behavior]. Outside of academics, I am an avid [hobby or interest, e.g., reader, traveler, volunteer]. Reading, for instance, has been a constant companion, broadening my horizons and fueling my imagination.

One of my proudest achievements so far is [describe a personal accomplishment, e.g., completing a marathon, overcoming a fear, achieving academic excellence]. It taught me the value of perseverance and the satisfaction that comes from pushing oneself beyond limits.

As for my future aspirations, I aspire to [state your long-term goal, e.g., contribute to sustainable energy solutions, become a published author]. I believe that by combining my passion, skills, and hard work, I can make a positive impact in the world.

Thank you for listening. I am looking forward to our conversation.


Topic: A Hypothetical Interview with a Successful Entrepreneur

Examiner: Good afternoon, [Your Name], today we're going to imagine you're a successful entrepreneur who has just launched a groundbreaking new product. Can you tell us a bit about your company and the product?

You: Absolutely, thank you for having me. My company, [Fictitious Company Name], is dedicated to revolutionizing the way people [briefly describe the problem your product solves, e.g., stay connected, manage their finances]. Our latest product, [Product Name], is a cutting-edge technology that [specifically describe what the product does and how it differs from existing solutions, e.g., seamlessly integrates with smart homes to optimize energy usage and reduce waste].

Examiner: That sounds fascinating. What inspired you to start this company and develop this particular product?

You: The inspiration for our company stemmed from a personal experience where I saw firsthand the challenges faced by [target group, e.g., small business owners, families struggling with financial management]. I realized there was a gap in the market for a solution that was both user-friendly and highly effective. This drove me to create [Fictitious Company Name] and develop [Product Name], with the aim of making a tangible difference in people's lives.

Examiner: How have you overcome any challenges or obstacles along the way?

You: Like any startup, we've faced numerous challenges, from securing funding to navigating complex regulatory frameworks. However, one of the key factors that has helped us succeed is our team's unwavering commitment to our vision and our customers. We've also learned the importance of adapting quickly and being agile in our approach. By listening to feedback and continuously iterating on our product, we've been able to stay ahead of the curve and deliver a truly innovative solution.

Examiner: Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

You: My advice would be to stay true to your vision and never give up, even in the face of adversity. It's important to surround yourself with a supportive team and seek guidance from mentors who have been there before. Remember, success takes time and hard work, but with passion, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, anything is possible.






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