
小站整理2024-08-21 14:22:42




  1. 分析题目
    • 仔细阅读题目,理解地图所展示的内容及其变化的时间段。
    • 确定需要描述的主要特征和需要进行的比较。
  2. 确定写作结构
    • 典型的雅思地图题作文结构包括引言段、总体概述段和详细描述段。
    • 引言段简要介绍地图展示的内容和时间范围。
    • 总体概述段概括地图上的主要变化。
    • 详细描述段分点描述具体的变化和特征。
  3. 选择主要特征
    • 从地图中挑选出2-3个关键变化或特征进行描述。
    • 这些特征应具有代表性,能够反映地图的主要变化。
  4. 撰写草稿
    • 按照确定的结构开始撰写草稿,注意使用合适的时态和语态。
    • 在描述变化时,可以使用比较句型来突出前后的差异。
  5. 修改和完善
    • 仔细检查草稿中的语法、拼写和标点错误。
    • 确保文章连贯、条理清晰,并且涵盖了所有需要描述的内容。


题目:The maps below show the development of a town called Greenfield from 1970 to 2020. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



The provided maps illustrate the significant transformation of the town of Greenfield over a period of 50 years, from 1970 to 2020. They showcase how the townscape has evolved, reflecting both population growth and economic development.


Greenfield underwent substantial changes during this period. The most striking development is the rapid urbanization that has transformed the once-rural area into a bustling town. The expansion of residential areas and the emergence of new commercial zones are among the key indicators of this transition.

Detailed Description

  1. Residential Expansion

    In 1970, Greenfield was primarily composed of scattered farms and small settlements. However, by 2020, a dense network of residential buildings had taken shape, occupying much of the previously vacant land. This rapid growth in housing is evident from the expansion of suburbs to the north and south of the town center. The development of new housing estates has not only increased the population but also led to the creation of more diverse neighborhoods.

  2. Commercial Development

    Another notable change is the emergence of a vibrant commercial zone in the heart of Greenfield. In 1970, there were only a few small shops and a market located near the town center. By 2020, however, a large shopping mall had been constructed, attracting national and international retailers. The surrounding area has also seen the growth of cafes, restaurants, and entertainment venues, catering to the needs of the town's expanding population.

  3. Transportation Infrastructure

    To accommodate the growth of the town, significant investments have been made in transportation infrastructure. In 1970, the main road through Greenfield was narrow and congested. By 2020, however, the road had been widened and improved, and a new bypass had been constructed to alleviate traffic congestion. Additionally, a new train station was built, connecting Greenfield to neighboring cities and further enhancing its accessibility.


In conclusion, the maps clearly demonstrate the remarkable transformation of Greenfield from a small rural town to a thriving urban center over the course of 50 years. The expansion of residential areas, the development of a commercial zone, and the improvement of transportation infrastructure are just a few of the key changes that have contributed to this growth. As Greenfield continues to evolve, it is likely that further development will occur, shaping the town's future landscape.






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