
小站整理2024-05-10 10:37:52

以下是一篇关于噪音的雅思Part 2口语范文: Describe a noise that you find annoying. Well, there is a particular noise that has been really getting on my nerves recently, and it’s the constant construction noise from a nearby building site. I live in a city that is constantly undergoing redevelopment, and while I understand that progress is important, this noise has been truly unbearable. The noise starts early in the morning, often before 7 am, and continues throughout the day, sometimes even into the evening. It’s a combination of loud drilling, hammering, and the occasional revving of heavy machinery. It’s so loud that it’s difficult to concentrate on anything indoors, whether I’m studying, working, or even trying to relax and watch TV. The noise is especially disruptive on weekends when I want to enjoy some peace and quiet. Instead of being able to sleep in or have a lazy morning, I’m constantly woken up by the ear-piercing sounds from outside. It’s really taken a toll on my mental well-being and I often feel stressed and agitated. I’ve tried several things to cope with the noise. I’ve used earplugs and noise-canceling headphones, but they only provide a temporary respite. I’ve also considered moving to a different part of the city, but that’s not a feasible option for me at this point in time. In my opinion, there should be stricter regulations on construction noise, especially in residential areas. I think construction companies should be required to adhere to certain noise levels and hours of operation, so that they don’t disturb the lives of their neighbors. After all, we all deserve to enjoy a peaceful and quiet environment in our own homes. This construction noise has really been a major nuisance for me, and I hope that someday it will come to an end. Until then, I’ll just have to continue finding ways to cope with it.





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