
小站整理2024-02-26 15:10:45



1. 图表作文范文

The chart below shows the sales of different products in a supermarket in 2022.


The provided chart illustrates the sales performance of four distinct products in a supermarket throughout the year of 2022. The products, labeled A, B, C, and D, exhibit varying degrees of sales throughout the year.

Product A begins the year with a relatively low sales figure, but experiences a steady increase throughout the first half of the year, peaking in June. Following this, sales of Product A decline slightly but remain above the initial levels.

Product B, on the other hand, starts the year with a higher sales figure than Product A and maintains a consistent level throughout the first quarter. However, from April onwards, sales of Product B experience a significant decline, reaching their lowest point in December.

Product C exhibits a completely different trend. Sales of this product remain relatively low throughout the first half of the year, but experience a sharp increase in the second half, particularly in October and November.

Finally, Product D shows a consistent and steady increase in sales throughout the entire year, with the highest sales figure recorded in December.

In conclusion, the chart reveals that while Product D performed the best overall, each product had its own unique sales pattern throughout the year.

2. 流程图范文

The diagram below shows the stages involved in producing a cup of coffee.


The diagram outlines the sequential steps involved in the production of a cup of coffee. Beginning with the harvesting of coffee beans, the process commences with the careful selection and picking of ripe coffee cherries.

Once collected, the cherries undergo a process of wet milling, where they are soaked and the pulp surrounding the beans is removed. This is followed by a drying stage, where the beans are spread out to remove excess moisture.

After drying, the beans are ready for roasting. This crucial step involves exposing the beans to high temperatures, which唤醒 their aroma and flavor. The roasted beans are then ground to the desired consistency, ready for brewing.

During the brewing process, the ground coffee is combined with hot water, extracting the rich flavors and aromas. Finally, the resulting coffee is poured into a cup, ready to be enjoyed.

In summary, the diagram illustrates the meticulous process of transforming coffee beans into a delicious cup of coffee.

3. 地图作文范文

The map below shows the changes in population distribution in a city over a period of 10 years.


The map illustrates the significant changes in population distribution within a city over a ten-year period. In the initial year, the city's population is concentrated primarily in the central business district, indicated by the dense clustering of houses and buildings.

Over the subsequent years, however, a clear trend of outward migration becomes evident. As the decade progresses, the central area experiences a gradual decline in population density, while new residential areas emerge on the periphery of the city.

By the final year, the map reveals a more evenly distributed population, with several new residential zones developed on the outskirts of the city. This shift in population distribution can be attributed to various factors such as the development of transportation infrastructure, job opportunities in peripheral areas, and the search for more affordable housing.

In conclusion, the map demonstrates a significant shift in population distribution within the city, from a centralized pattern to a more dispersed one over a ten-year period.






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