
小站整理2023-11-30 11:03:18

以下是一篇学校雅思作文范文,仅供参考: 标题:大学校园里的手机使用 In recent years, the use of mobile phones has become increasingly prevalent in university campuses. While some see this as a positive development, others believe it has created a number of problems. In this essay, I will explore both sides of the argument and present my opinion on the issue. It cannot be denied that the widespread use of mobile phones on campus has brought about many benefits. Firstly, mobile phones have greatly improved communication. With a simple text message or a phone call, students can easily stay in touch with their family, friends, and classmates. Secondly, mobile phones have become a valuable tool for accessing information. Through the internet and applications, students can easily access news, research materials, and online courses, among other resources. Finally, mobile phones have also become a crucial tool for entertainment. Music, games, and movies are just some of the many distractions that mobile phones offer. However, despite these benefits, the overuse of mobile phones on campus has also created several problems. Firstly, many students struggle to focus on their studies due to the constant distractions of their phones. Secondly, the excessive use of mobile phones can lead to eye strain, neck pain, and other health issues. Finally, the constant connectivity can lead to stress and anxiety as students feel the need to constantly check their phones for messages or notifications. In conclusion, while the use of mobile phones on campus has brought about many benefits, it has also created several problems. Therefore, I believe that universities should take measures to manage the use of mobile phones on campus. This could include designated ‘phone-free’ study areas or time limits on using mobile phones during class. By finding a balance between the use of mobile phones and studying, universities can ensure that students can fully benefit from both resources on campus.





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