
小站整理2023-10-12 11:03:33



  • appearance description*

During the IELTS interview, candidates' appearance is an important factor that affects their overall score. An ideal candidate typically wears professional attire and adheres to simple, but essential grooming habits.

dress code

The candidate should appear in professional attire. This means a suit and tie or a dress with matching jacket for women, and a blazer or blouse with a matching skirt or pants for men. For the headscarf candidates, it is also essential to ensure that the scarf is clean and tidy.


Simple grooming habits are essential for a candidate's appearance. The candidate should avoid wearing too much makeup or strong fragrances, which can draw attention away from the candidate's answers and towards themselves. It is also important to ensure that the candidate's nails are clean and trimmed, and that their hair is tidy and unobtrusive.

body language

Body language is also an important factor that affects a candidate's appearance score. The candidate should maintain eye contact with the interviewer and smile when appropriate. The candidate should also ensure that their hands are visible at all times and that they do not gesture excessively or nervously. It is important to appear calm and self-assured.

In conclusion, candidates need to pay attention to their appearance during the IELTS interview. They should dress professionally, maintain simple grooming habits, and use appropriate body language to appear calm and self-assured. Doing so can help candidates score higher during the interview.






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