
小站整理2023-09-27 10:45:31



  1. 讨论人们是否应该追求完美

Some people believe that striving for perfection is essential, while others believe that aiming for a more moderate goal is more realistic and fulfilling. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  1. 现代科技对生活质量的影响

The impact of modern technology on quality of life is becoming increasingly evident in our daily lives. Discuss the positive and negative effects of modern technology on the quality of life.

  1. 为什么人们应该学习一门外语

Learning a foreign language is beneficial for several reasons. Discuss some of the advantages of learning a foreign language and give examples to support your view.

  1. 旅游的利与弊

Travelling can bring numerous benefits, but it can also have some negative impacts on individuals and society. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of travelling and provide some suggestions on how to make travelling more sustainable.

  1. 保护文化多样性的重要性

Cultural diversity is essential for the development and growth of individuals and communities. Discuss the importance of protecting cultural diversity and provide some suggestions on how to preserve different cultures in a globalising world.

  1. 健康饮食的重要性

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for good physical and mental health. Discuss the importance of healthy eating and provide some advice on how to achieve a balanced diet.

  1. 大城市交通问题及其解决方案

Congestion and pollution are common issues in large cities. Discuss the causes of these problems and suggest some solutions to tackle these issues.

  1. 读书的益处和重要性

Reading is a valuable skill that can help individuals improve their knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking abilities. Discuss some of the benefits and importance of reading and provide some suggestions on how to make reading more enjoyable and engaging.






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