
小站整理2018-05-03 17:49:42

摘要:5月第一场雅思口语考试刚刚结束,参加考试的考鸭们为大家奉献第一手雅思口语新题回忆,小站雅思君为你蹲守了全部口语新题,并配上参考范文,以供口语备考复习。本期口语part2话题为:some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school.接下来就看各位考鸭的表现了,加油。

5月除了激动人心的小长假,还有雅思口语变题季。小站雅思君第一时间为大家整理出了详细版的雅思口语新题库,本季雅思口语题库的新题并不新,话题依然很生活化,对于有故事有酒的考鸭来说,话题难度不大,用心准备过的考鸭,相信都能够自信面对雅思口语考官。本期口语part2话题为:Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school.(中小学数学课上学到的有用技能)友情提示:想要在雅思口语考试临场不慌,除了多参加几次雅思口语考试外,更重要的是多听多模仿多练习。

Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school

You should say:

What the skill was

How you learned it

Who taught you

And why it was useful to you

雅思口语part 2参考范文

The useful skill I learned in a math class from my primary school is the multiplication form. This form is made up of results of multiplications between all the numbers from 1 to 9. For example, 2 multiply eight equals 16 and 3 multiply 7 equals 21. It is usually presented in the shape of stairs, and knowing it enables us to get the resultsof multiplications quickly.

This form is a compulsory content for all the pupils around China in their primary education. From Laokaoya. From day one, I spent a great deal of time familiarizing, learning and practicing it so that I will not forget it for my whole life. It has become my instinct and I can still speak out these numbers without thinking.

It was a middle-aged female teacher who taught me this form. At that time, I was quite numb and a slow learner. Even if it was a very simple question, I could get the result wrong. However, the teacher would not criticise me, but patiently explain again and again and guide me through the computing process. Finally, I caught up with my classmates and masteredthis form.

It is very useful in life. When we are shopping, we often need to do some simple calculation so that the goods will not exceed our budget. from Laokaoya. Without a calculator at hand, I often resort to this multiplication form to get my numbers and it never goes wrong.

以上就是2018年5-8月的雅思口语part2新题:Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school的参考范文,更多雅思口语话题,请关注小站雅思频道。






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