
小站整理2018-04-11 15:52:52

摘要:小站雅思君为大家分享有关雅思口语part2话题范文:到访城市(Describe a city you have visited)。来自英国的雅思口语老师带来地道雅思口语高分范文,有关英格兰的暴雪。一起学起来吧。打败雅思口语话题无话可说的壁垒,就在小站雅思口语part 2话题库。

还在为雅思口语无话可说而焦虑?不如一起来和小站雅思君学习雅思口语话题思路吧,配雅思口语话题范文哦。本期雅思口语part 2话题有关到访城市(Describe a city you have visited)。大家可以跟着这个思路:谈论任何你真正去过的城市,并讲述这个城市的细节,以及你这次访问的经历。不要只谈论你从未去过的城市,因为这可能会引起考官的注意。如果你还没有去过国外,那就谈谈你国家的某个你熟悉的一个城市吧。

Describe a city you have visited

You should say:

what is the name and where is it

when you visited it.

why did you like it

what are the attractive places of this city

and explain what influence did the city have on you.

雅思口语part 3相关话题

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?

What changes have you observed in your city in past 5 years?

Name some good tourist spots in your city?

Why do you think living in your city is a good choice?


Sydney is my favourite city among the cities I have visited so far. Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales of Australia. This city is situated on the bank of Tasman Sea and has around 4.6 million people. I have visited this city in 2008 after I finished my graduation and loved my stay there. Sydney had many attractive natural areas, botanic gardens, parks, and high rising buildings. This city has many heritage listed buildings that attract the tourists and visitors. The Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognised landmarks in Australia and is a great place to visit.

This city is known for the dynamic cultural hub and it has many famous museums, galleries and art galleries as well. Because of the great architecture, warm weather and hundreds of tourists attraction more than 11 million international and domestic tourists visit this city each year. I had been there for about 15 days and I really enjoyed everything about this city. I stayed at a 20 storied hotel that offered a really amusing sight views. The transportation system of the city is better than many other cities and I could have been maintaining the track and time of my schedule because of that. I loved being at open & wide spaces in the gardens and parks. People are welcoming and friendly there. A tourist can get necessary help both from people and the authority and can roam easily without any interruption. I saw 2/3 art museum and some cultural festivals and those were awesome.

There are so many places to be, so many things to do in Sydney. Some of the attractive places are Royal Botanic Garden, Hyde Park, Queen Victoria Building, Sydney Town hall, Macquarie Lighthouse, Australia Square, Sydney Opera House and so on.

I had a tremendous vacation in Sydney and I liked most of the places there and I enjoyed so much that I did not even notice how quickly the 2 weeks scheduled time has passed.


















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