最新2017雅思口语话题题库答案Part3: Describe a kind of plant or flower

小站整理2017-10-17 11:05:02

摘要:本期雅思口语话题范文答案是Part3: Describe a kind of plant or flower,共有3题范文。范文内容描述详尽,用语非常地道,因此篇幅有点长,大家择要摘取观点即可。9-12月的雅思口语题库Part3部分话题范文已更新,后续会加紧赶制,大家稍安勿躁。

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参考答案:Describe a kind of plant or flower

1. What vegetables are common in your country?  在你国家什么蔬菜很常见?

Oh, I would name tomatoes and potatoes as all-star veggies in my country as all my fellow countrymen eat them. I guess they are so popular because they are delicious and so versatile. Both of them are a great side dish and can be eaten in many different ways, which my compatriots like. They are also vital for health and maintenance of the body as they are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. What is more, my country produces a large quantity of these vegetables, which makes them quite cheap and affordable for any family.

2. Do people like to grow vegetables in your country? 你国家的人们喜欢种蔬菜吗?

Well, I would say more yes than no as quite a lot of my compatriots do it. I guess the main reasons for that are as follows: first of all, people want to eat healthy, fresh produce and stop worrying about food safety. Eating home-grown vegetables, they can be sure that they are without pesticides and are higher in vitamins and nutrients. What is more, they can enjoy a much better taste and smell of their own foods. Secondly, growing own veggies can save people’s money at the grocery store, which adds to a wish to have a small garden. But of course, there are also quite enough people in my country who don’t like an idea of growing foods themselves as it's quite time-consuming and demands hard work in the garden.

3. How do people feel when they eat vegetables that they grew on their own?  当人们吃着自己种植的蔬菜时有什么感觉?

Oh, I guess they, first of all, feel proud of themselves when they see the bounty of their efforts. I also think they feel confident that they and their families can eat healthy, fresh produce. Oh, and, of course, happy that they saved money on groceries.






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