9-12月雅思口语题库P3话题答案范文:Describe a business person you admire

小站整理2017-10-12 13:06:36

摘要:本文口语话题Part3范文:Describe a business person you admire,共有3题范文。范文内容描述详尽,用语非常地道,因此篇幅有点长,大家择要摘取观点即可。

题多如毛,范文何处找?新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。一转眼,雅思口语进入新一轮话题季,小站雅思懂你更懂雅思,第一时间为大家整理出超地道的Part3范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。本文范文话题为:a business person you admire,范文内容详尽思路清晰,表达多样,因此篇幅过长,各考雅们摘取观点即可,无需全文背诵。唯一的王道在于你的开口练习,攒足了勇气值,攒足了训练量,口语必高分。加油。


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范文示例:Describe a business person you admire

1. Do businessmen have to work long hours? 商人必须长时间工作吗?

Oh, unfortunately they do as they have to complete a lot of tasks and ensure the smooth operation of their business. Small business owners usually hold responsibility for everything from hiring and training employees, conducting employee evaluation and terminations, planning ahead for the success of their business taking into account both short and long-term plans on out to meeting financial and production goals. Doing all this stuff takes load of time and makes businesspeople work to the max. So yeah, they just have to work long hours if they want to succeed.

2. What business will young people do? 年轻人能做哪些生意?

Well, young people can make money doing whatever they are passionate about and good at. I mean they can start business from their hobby even if they don't have enough money to invest.

That's actually what a lot of young adults are doing these days. They start small and then grow gradually. I guess the most wide-spread business ideas implemented by the young are handmade gifts, home-baked cookies and cupcakes, online stores, bicycle rental points, language tutoring and delivery service. I also know young people who own coffee houses, bars, fashion boutiques and beauty salons though I think these types of business require initial investment and can I started only by the young who have a certain amount of money or an investor right from the jump.

3. How do business people relax? 商人如何放送?

Well, I guess by switching their attention from what they do all day long to something that will help them redress the balance. A vast number of business people relax by taking yoga classes or doing any kind of sport like exercising, jogging, going biking or swimming. There are also many businessmen who recharge their energy batteries by getting outside into nature. Getting a relaxing bath or massage and travelling to new destinations. One more way for busy people to relax is to spend quality time with their families and friends up new hobbies or trying something new.






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