17年9-12月雅思口语话题P2范文:an invention that changed the world

小站教育2017-09-18 18:56:07

摘要:为烤鸭带来2017年9-12月雅思口语题库最新话题的第一手范文,与口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。本文话题:an invention that changed the world 。为大家讲述为了为何智能手机才是史上最伟大的发明。

新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新一轮话题季,小站雅思懂你更懂雅思,第一时间为大家整理出超地道的范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。话题:Describe an invention that changed the world (延用)。


You should say:

What it is

Have you ever used it

And why do you think it can change the world


Smart Phones

This is a great topic to choose because there are so many features of a mobile phone that you can talk forever about this. You can also talk about which features you use and why they are useful to you: camera, video, texting, calendar, weather, music player, GPS, web browser (shopping online, online banking etc)

The cue card mentions who invented it – you don’t need to know this information. You can say “I do not know who invented it but some of the top selling brands are “Apple” etc. If you don’t know when it was invented, you can say “I’m not exactly sure when it was invented but most people have been using them for the last decade at least.”


Another great topic which allows you to take your talk in any direction you want: international business, social media (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter), globalisation, online education etc


You can talk about: news, weather reports, films, soap operas, documentaries and education programs, escapism, relaxation, reality TV, chat shows etc

Modern Transportation

Cars, aeroplanes, trains. You can talk about each type as well as globalisation and tourism


To my mind, the greatest thing since sliced bread is a samrtphone. Without exaggration, I think that smart phones have revolutionised humanity.

They allow us to do amazing things and interact with the world in ways we never thought were possible. They can be used for making and recieving calls, texting friends, family and colleagues, getting and sharing news on social networks sites, checking email messages and even doing online banking. We also use theme to take photos and keep track of calender events. For example, in the past, I used to depend too much on my home PC for doing tasks like checking mails and browsing the web. Now that I have a smartphone, I no longer have to rush to a xomputer to edit a document or check my email. So first of all, this invention has mad our lives much easier providing us with an easy and fast way of communication, enabling to do various tasks all at the same time and freeing us frome the constraints of space. The second change brought by smartphones is that they have replaced many devices such as ebook readers, MP3 players, or cameras. If you want, you can use them for listening to music or watching a film. Also, there are apps for practically everything. They are quick to install and easy to use. Thus, having a smartphone makes waiting not as boring as in the past.

So I'm more than sure it's difficult to overestimate popularity of smartphones as wherever you go, you see people that are literally glued to their devices. Now we just can't imagine our lives without these devices.I've read that currently there are more than one billion samrtphone useers in the world. That's so impressive a figure. And this means that smartphones are more popular than PC. I'm assured that the smartphones are by far the most significant invention ever.


• What technical things at home at home can make people lazy?

• What inventions would you like to have at home?

• Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in school in the future?

• What do you think the most important equipment in schools?

Tips: Don’t choose something impressive. The examiner will not give you a higher score because your ideas are impressive. Instead, choose something which is easy to talk about. Something which can have plenty of ideas for. If you don’t know who invented it or when – it doesn’t matter. It won’t affect your score at all.






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