雅思口语part2话题考官9分范文:a situation that made you angry

小站整理2017-08-09 12:03:30

摘要:本文话题:a situation that made you angry,范文出自英国前考官之手,表达地道,和国内的参考书的模板答案相比,着实让人眼前一亮。速速膜拜,速速大快朵颐吧。建议烤鸭们着重学习考官如何自然地组织句子,段落,让整个答案浑然一体,且完美地回应整个话题。

对于simon的口语答案,可以学习如何快速如题和结尾(不要婆妈),如何简洁生动回应几个小问题(他的答案字数都不多)。不过范文再好,终究是他人造的,只有自己多说多练,打造属于自己的烂熟于胸的套路才是王道。烤鸭加油!雅思口语话题:让你生气的事情。Describe a situation that made you angry.


You should say

1.when it happened

2.what happened

3.how you felt


A recent situation that made me angry was getting stuck in a traffic jam on the way to meet some friends. It was last Sunday lunchtime, and I didn’t expect there to be much traffic; people don’t work on Sundays, so the roads aren’t usually very busy. Everything was going well until suddenly I saw a queue of cars on the road in front of me. I had no choice but to join the queue and wait to get past whatever was causing the delay. It turned out that it was caused by some roadworks, and it took me an extra 30 minutes to get past them.

Getting stuck in traffic congestion doesn’t usually make me angry, but this time it did, mainly because I wasn’t expecting it and I knew that my friends were waiting to meet me for lunch. I felt frustrated and powerless because there was nothing I could do to change the situation, and I had no idea how long I would be sitting there waiting. When I finally saw the reason for the congestion, I was relieved that

I was close to getting past the roadworks, but I still felt a bit stressed knowing that I was half an hour late.






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